From 45f9ccfcbc05c9fee564849e480bd8b1d52766a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffen Slavetinsky <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 01:21:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] removed examples

git-svn-id: 9e42b895-fcda-4063-8a3b-11be15eb1bbd
 .../StaLangExample.stalang                    | 94 -------------------
 1 file changed, 94 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8f2b075..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// Example file for a STA process, revision 2
-// this is a comment
-// place imports here, e.g.
-// import refname1 "uri://path/" 
-// import refname2 "uri://path/" 
-AdaptationProcess ExampleProcessName [] { 		// ids are optional and thus displayed in grey
-	// Order of the main sections:
-	// goal, actions, tactics, strategies, parameters. 
-	// the parameters section is optional, see below.
-	// Reason for this order is logical succession. Actions are used in tactics, tactics in strategies, etc.
-	// General considerations:
-	// 'xyz:' starts a new section. Examples: goal:, strategies:
-	// ':' is followed by a list of elements. Example: action1 [] {}, action2 ...
-	// '{}' is like a 'constructor' like the 'new' keyword in Java
-	// '=' is an assignment of a value or a list of values to a property
-	// '()' contains a list of values that belong together. If there is only one value, the brackets are optional
-	goal:
-		description "A verbose description of the goal of the adaptation process so that 
-			anyone can understand the purpose of the modeled adaptation process"
-		objectives = (
-		########################### assumed that it would be easier without "
-			Objective1Name { specification = (MetricTypeA, "<=", 500) },
-			Objective2Name { specification = ((MetricTypeB, ">", 0.5), (MetricTypeC, ">", 0.6)) }
-		)
-	actions:
-		Action1Name [] {
-			operation = (SCALE_OUT, THIS) 	// Same as AdaptationActionOperation. First direction, then scope 
-			referredAdaptationPoint = refname1:element.xyz1 
-			// optional input output parameters go here
-			input = (param1Name, param3Name)
-			output = (param3Name)
-		},
-		Action2Name {
-			operation = (SCALE_IN, RANDOM)
-			referredAdaptationPoint = refname1:element.xyz2
-			// no parameters
-		}
-	tactics:
-		Tactic1Name [] {
-		#################################################################
-			implementedPlan = !!planName!! (StartAction, Action1Name, ..., 
-				Action2Name, StopAction) 			
-			// optional input output parameters
-			input = (param1Name, param3Name)
-			output = param3Name
-		},
-		Tactic2Name... {
-			implementedPlan = ( StartAction, ...
-				repeat counter = param1Name ( 		// LoopAction
-					StartAction, ..., StopAction
-				),
-				########################################################### what to do with successor?
-				if (context=refToSomeEntity, condition="SomeOclString")				// BranchAction
-					then (//AdaptationPlanX)
-					else (//AdaptationPlanY),
-				StopAction
-			)
-		}
-	strategies:
-		Strategy1Name [] {
-		########################################################### Objective specification is not optional
-			objective = Objective1Name
-			triggeringEvent = EventXYName			// Note: rename 'triggeringEvents' to 
-													// 'triggeringEvent' in the metamodel
-			tactics = (
-			########################################################### weighted Tactic name is not optional
-				weightedTactic1Name = (tactic=Tactic1Name, default=1.3, current=1.0), 
-				weightedTactic2Name = (tactic=Tactic2Name, default=2.1, current=2.0)
-			)
-			####################################### weightingFunction optional can be written simply as weightingFunction1Name = (...)
-			weightingFunction = ( 
-				weightingFunctionImplementation = "SomeStringPointingToAClass"					
-				weightedMetrics = ((metricType=refname2:ResponseTimeMetric1, weight=1.9),
-				(metricType=refname2:UtilizationMetric1, weight=2.3))
-			)
-		},
-		Strategy2Name...
-	// definition of parameters is optional, only required if parameters are used by tactics or actions
-	parameters:
-	####################################### types may have to get parsed later on because of type string of Value
-		param1Name { type="Double", value=0.34 }, 		// value field is optional since it might
-		param2Name { type="somethingElse" },					// be unknown when specifying the process
-		param3Name { type="Integer", value=0}
\ No newline at end of file