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Folien & Aufgaben für den Kurs 'Vorbereitung auf das Java-Programmier-Praktikum' im Sommersemester 2024 und Wintersemester 2024/25.
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Descartes Research / librede-sarde
Eclipse Public License 1.0An add-on for the Library for Resource Demand Estimation (LibReDE), in order to enrich the estimation with self-aware learning and optimization capabilities. SARDE: Self-Aware Resource Demand Estimation
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Daniela Andres / NetVisard
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Archived 1Updated
SIBQE (Solr Index Based Query Engine) is a query engine that can serve as a transaprent backend for an existing i2b2 or as a standalone data warehouse.
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Docker files and setup for Eclipse CDO Server
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VIA-VR / web-based-supervisor-monitor
Apache License 2.0Updated