@@ -223,3 +223,33 @@ For general information on going abroad check out the public information availab
- business trips to other European countries - carrying a social security certificate ("A1 certificate")
- see more here: [Business Trip](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/dienstreisen)
# What incoming students should do?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
To enroll a foreign student (e.g. during a research stay), the following documentation is required:
- Health insurance covering the full duration of the stay
- If foreign insurance, a document stating the coverage needs to be presented at the AOK student service, who will then check if it is valid and sufficient
- In case of a European insurance, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is required
- Make sure the student provides all documents in ENGLISH
- The signed enrollment form [Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf](/uploads/9ad24f453e2dfc550b4e89e41268ac13/Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf)