diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bd9d88be29c78049fe195ea83fd9283d2c5fdf14..17b60db3e40e3e8f18289325e97a0dfe3ac0c49c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,21 +8,14 @@ To mark your progress during the lecture, please vote on
 ## Overview:
 Templates are within `src/main/scala`. Parts that you should complete are
-usually marked with `???`.
+usually marked with `???`. Lectures not listed here are not migrated to Scala
+3 yet, please run `git pull` before the lecture.
 | lecture                         | package                                                           | tests
 | 2: Functional Data Structures   | [`datastructures`](src/main/scala/datastructures)                 | `testOnly datastructures.*`
 | 3: Error Handling               | [`errors`](src/main/scala/errors)                                 | `testOnly errors.*`
 | 4: Laziness                     | [`laziness`](src/main/scala/laziness/)                            | `testOnly laziness.*`
-| 5: Algebras, Laws, and Monoids  | [`algebra`](src/main/scala/algebra/)                              | `testOnly algebra.*`
-| 6: Typeclasses                  | [`typeclasses`](src/main/scala/typeclasses/)                      | `testOnly typeclasses.*` (needs some uncommenting)
-| 7: Monads                       | [`monads`](src/main/scala/monads/)                                | `testOnly monads.*` (needs some uncommenting)
-| 8: Applicative Functors         | [`applicative`](src/main/scala/applicative/)                      | `testOnly applicative.*` (needs some uncommenting)
-| 9: Algebraic View on more Monads| [`readerwriter`](src/main/scala/readerwriter/)                    | `testOnly readerwriter.*`
-|10: Traverse                     | [`traverse`](src/main/scala/traverse/)                            | `testOnly traverse.*`
-|11: Illegal states               | -                                                                 | (no exercises)
-|12: Parser combinators           | [`parsers`](src/main/scala/parsers/)                              | `testOnly parsers.*`
 ## Usage tips:
 To keep your local solutions to the exercises when pulling from the repository,