* Create a new (java application) run configuration and select
*tools.descartes.pmx.pcm.console* as Project and for the Main- Class select
*tools.descartes.pmx.pcm.console.PMXCommandLinePCM*. Using this Run Configuration will be able to run the PMXCommandLine correctly.
### Running as Eclipse Plugin
#### Instalation
* Open Palladio Bench
* Choose in the menue: Help ==> Install new Software
* Enter update site https://se4.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/pmx-dml/downloads/snapshot/
* Click Select All button, click next, click next, aggree to license, click finish
* Wait for installation (aggree to install unsigned content)
* Aggree to restart eclipse
* you installed it ;-)
#### Usage
* Choose in the menue: File ==> Import ==> PMX
* Follow the PMX dialog instructions and select input and output directory (hint: you may choose to automatically create a project in the current workspace for output directory)
### Running as Docker
* PMX can be executed as a [contiuous server](https://se3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/descartes/pmx-pcm/tree/master/tools.descartes.pmx.pcm.docker) providing a REST api.
## License
PCM : Performance Model eXtractor
(c) Copyright 2014-2015, by Juergen Walter and Contributors.
Project Info: http://descartes.tools/pmx
All rights reserved. This software is made available under the terms of the
Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0 as published by the Eclipse Foundation