This project allows to create the Descartes Modeling Language (DML) (DML) models from Kieker monitoring traces. It replaces a manual creation of architectural performance models which is very complex, time intense, and error prone. At this, it is based upon the generic Performance Model eXtractor (PMX) project which automates the extraction of architectural performance models.
Extraction parameters
Run programm using --help to see how to pass input parameters for performance model extraction.
Example: -i inputFolder -o outputFolder -n=numberOfCoresCPU1=4
Running within Eclipse
- Import project into workspace
- Set targetplatform
- Create a new (java application) run configuration and select tools.descartes.pmx.pcm.console as Project and for the Main- Class select tools.descartes.pmx.pcm.console.PMXCommandLinePCM. Using this Run Configuration will be able to run the PMXCommandLine correctly.
Running as Eclipse Plugin
- Open Palladio Bench
- Choose in the menue: Help ==> Install new Software
- Enter update site
- Click Select All button, click next, click next, aggree to license, click finish
- Wait for installation (aggree to install unsigned content)
- Aggree to restart eclipse
- you installed it ;-)
- Choose in the menue: File ==> Import ==> PMX
- Follow the PMX dialog instructions and select input and output directory (hint: you may choose to automatically create a project in the current workspace for output directory)
Running as Docker
- PCM can be executed as a contiuous server providing a REST api.
PCM : Performance Model eXtractor
(c) Copyright 2014-2015, by Juergen Walter and Contributors.
Project Info:
All rights reserved. This software is made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0 as published by the Eclipse Foundation