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Commit 66bf2169 authored by Henrik Tramberend's avatar Henrik Tramberend
Browse files

More warnings removed

parent c0fc66a9
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......@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ makeSlides pandoc = do
walk (mapSlides layoutSlides) $
walk (mapSlides splitJoinColumns) $
walk (mapSlides setSlideBackground) $ walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes) pandoc
Disposition _ _ ->
return $
walk (mapSlides splitJoinColumns) $
Disposition _ _ -> return pandoc
-- TODO: Do this for pages
-- walk (mapSlides splitJoinColumns) $
-- walk (mapSlides setSlideBackground) $
walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes) pandoc
-- walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes) pandoc
makeBoxes :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
makeBoxes = walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes)
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
......@@ -37,12 +36,10 @@ import Data.IORef
import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Extra as List
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import Debug.Trace
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath as SFP
import Filter
......@@ -74,11 +71,11 @@ runShakeInContext context options rules = do
tryRunShake opts =
handle (\(SomeException e) -> return ()) (shakeArgs opts rules)
handle (\(SomeException _) -> return ()) (shakeArgs opts rules)
cleanup = do
server <- readIORef $ ctxServerHandle context
case server of
Just handle -> stopHttpServer handle
Just serv -> stopHttpServer serv
Nothing -> return ()
nothingToWatch = do
files <- readIORef $ ctxFilesToWatch context
......@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ runShakeInContext context options rules = do
else do
server <- readIORef $ ctxServerHandle context
case server of
Just handle -> reloadClients handle
Just serv -> reloadClients serv
Nothing -> return ()
_ <- waitForTwitchPassive files
return False
......@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ writeIndex out baseUrl decks handouts pages = do
, unlines $ map makeLink $ sort pagesLinks
makeLink path = "- [" ++ takeFileName path ++ "](" ++ path ++ ")"
makeLink file = "- [" ++ takeFileName file ++ "](" ++ file ++ ")"
-- | Fixes pandoc escaped # markup in mustache template {{}} markup.
fixMustacheMarkup :: B.ByteString -> T.Text
......@@ -137,15 +134,15 @@ fixMustacheMarkupText content =
(T.replace (T.pack "{{\\^") (T.pack "{{^") content)
substituteMetaData :: T.Text -> MT.Value -> T.Text
substituteMetaData text metaData = do
let fixed = fixMustacheMarkupText text
substituteMetaData source metaData = do
let fixed = fixMustacheMarkupText source
let result = M.compileTemplate "internal" fixed
case result of
Right template -> M.substituteValue template metaData
Left err -> throw $ MustacheException (show err)
Left errMsg -> throw $ MustacheException (show errMsg)
getTemplate :: FilePath -> Action String
getTemplate path = liftIO $ getResourceString ("template" </> path)
getTemplate file = liftIO $ getResourceString ("template" </> file)
-- | Write a markdown file to a HTML file using the page template.
markdownToHtmlDeck :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
......@@ -180,11 +177,11 @@ markdownToHtmlDeck markdownFile out = do
-- | Selects a matching pandoc string writer for the format string, or throws an
-- exception.
getPandocWriter :: String -> StringWriter
getPandocWriter format =
case getWriter format of
getPandocWriter fmt =
case getWriter fmt of
Right (PureStringWriter w) -> w
Left e -> throw $ PandocException e
_ -> throw $ PandocException $ "No writer for format: " ++ format
_ -> throw $ PandocException $ "No writer for format: " ++ fmt
versionCheck :: Meta -> Action ()
versionCheck meta =
......@@ -207,17 +204,17 @@ versionCheck meta =
-- | Reads a markdownfile, expands the included files, and substitutes mustache
-- template variables and calls need.
readAndProcessMarkdown :: FilePath -> Disposition -> Action Pandoc
readAndProcessMarkdown markdownFile disposition = do
pandoc@(Pandoc meta blocks) <-
readAndProcessMarkdown markdownFile disp = do
pandoc@(Pandoc meta _) <-
readMetaMarkdown markdownFile >>= processIncludes baseDir
processPandoc pipeline baseDir disposition (provisioningFromMeta meta) pandoc
processPandoc pipeline baseDir disp (provisioningFromMeta meta) pandoc
baseDir = takeDirectory markdownFile
pipeline =
[ expandDeckerMacros
, renderCodeBlocks
, provisionResources
, provisionResources
, renderMediaTags
, makeSlides
, processCitesWithDefault
......@@ -227,30 +224,25 @@ readAndProcessMarkdown markdownFile disposition = do
-- >>= walkM (cacheRemoteImages (cache dirs))
provisionResources :: Pandoc -> Decker Pandoc
provisionResources pandoc@(Pandoc meta blocks) = do
provisionResources pandoc = do
base <- gets basePath
method <- gets provisioning
lift $
lift $
mapMetaResources (provisionMetaResource base method) pandoc >>=
mapResources (provisionResource base method)
lookupBool :: String -> Bool -> Meta -> Bool
lookupBool key def meta =
case lookupMeta key meta of
Just (MetaBool b) -> b
_ -> def
provisionMetaResource :: FilePath -> Provisioning -> (String, FilePath) -> Action FilePath
provisionMetaResource base method (key, path)
provisionMetaResource ::
FilePath -> Provisioning -> (String, FilePath) -> Action FilePath
provisionMetaResource base method (key, url)
| key `elem` runtimeMetaKeys = do
filePath <- urlToFilePathIfLocal base path
filePath <- urlToFilePathIfLocal base url
provisionResource base method filePath
provisionMetaResource base method (key, path)
provisionMetaResource base _ (key, url)
| key `elem` compiletimeMetaKeys = do
filePath <- urlToFilePathIfLocal base path
filePath <- urlToFilePathIfLocal base url
need [filePath]
return filePath
provisionMetaResource base method (key, path) = return path
provisionMetaResource _ _ (_, url) = return url
-- | Determines if a URL can be resolved to a local file. Absolute file URLs are
-- resolved against and copied or linked to public from
......@@ -268,9 +260,9 @@ provisionMetaResource base method (key, path) = return path
-- Returns a public URL relative to base
provisionResource :: FilePath -> Provisioning -> FilePath -> Action FilePath
provisionResource base method path = do
case parseRelativeReference path of
Nothing -> return path
provisionResource base method filePath = do
case parseRelativeReference filePath of
Nothing -> return filePath
Just uri -> do
dirs <- getProjectDirs
need [uriPath uri]
......@@ -328,7 +320,7 @@ pandocMakePdf :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> Pandoc -> Action ()
pandocMakePdf options out pandoc = do
result <- liftIO $ makePDF "pdflatex" writeLaTeX options pandoc
case result of
Left err -> throw $ PandocException (show err)
Left errMsg -> throw $ PandocException (show errMsg)
Right pdf -> liftIO $ LB.writeFile out pdf
-- | Write a markdown file to a HTML file using the handout template.
......@@ -385,31 +377,32 @@ readMetaMarkdown markdownFile = do
-- read markdown with substitutions again
let Pandoc _ blocks =
readMarkdownOrThrow pandocReaderOpts $ T.unpack substituted
let (MetaMap m) = combinedMeta
versionCheck (Meta m)
let pandoc = Pandoc (Meta m) blocks
-- adjust local media urls
mapResources (urlToFilePathIfLocal (takeDirectory markdownFile)) pandoc
case combinedMeta of
(MetaMap m) -> do
versionCheck (Meta m)
let pandoc = Pandoc (Meta m) blocks
mapResources (urlToFilePathIfLocal (takeDirectory markdownFile)) pandoc
_ -> throw $ PandocException "Meta format conversion failed."
urlToFilePathIfLocal :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action FilePath
urlToFilePathIfLocal base uri = do
case parseRelativeReference uri of
Nothing -> return uri
Just relativeUri -> do
let path = uriPath relativeUri
let filePath = uriPath relativeUri
absBase <- liftIO $ Dir.makeAbsolute base
absRoot <- project <$> getProjectDirs
let absPath =
if isAbsolute path
then absRoot </> makeRelative "/" path
else absBase </> path
if isAbsolute filePath
then absRoot </> makeRelative "/" filePath
else absBase </> filePath
return absPath
readMarkdownOrThrow :: ReaderOptions -> String -> Pandoc
readMarkdownOrThrow opts string =
case readMarkdown opts string of
Right pandoc -> pandoc
Left err -> throw $ PandocException (show err)
Left errMsg -> throw $ PandocException (show errMsg)
-- Remove automatic identifier creation for headers. It does not work well with
-- the current include mechanism if slides have duplicate titles in separate
......@@ -424,14 +417,14 @@ pandocWriterOpts :: WriterOptions
pandocWriterOpts = def {writerExtensions = deckerPandocExtensions}
mapResources :: (FilePath -> Action FilePath) -> Pandoc -> Action Pandoc
mapResources transform pandoc@(Pandoc meta blocks) = do
mapResources transform (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
processedBlocks <-
walkM (mapInline transform) blocks >>= walkM (mapBlock transform)
return (Pandoc meta processedBlocks)
mapAttributes :: (FilePath -> Action FilePath) -> Attr -> Action Attr
mapAttributes transform (ident, classes, kv) = do
processed <- mapM mapAttr kv
mapAttributes transform (ident, classes, kvs) = do
processed <- mapM mapAttr kvs
return (ident, classes, processed)
mapAttr kv@(key, value) =
......@@ -442,7 +435,7 @@ mapAttributes transform (ident, classes, kv) = do
else return kv
mapInline :: (FilePath -> Action FilePath) -> Inline -> Action Inline
mapInline transform img@(Image attr@(_, cls, _) inlines (url, title)) = do
mapInline transform (Image attr inlines (url, title)) = do
a <- mapAttributes transform attr
u <- transform url
return $ Image a inlines (u, title)
......@@ -500,6 +493,7 @@ mapMetaResources transform (Pandoc (Meta kvmap) blocks) = do
-- | These resources are needed at runtime. If they are specified as local URLs,
-- the resource must exists at compile time. Remote URLs are passed through
-- unchanged.
elementAttributes :: [String]
elementAttributes =
[ "src"
, "data-src"
......@@ -555,8 +549,8 @@ processCitesWithDefault pandoc@(Pandoc meta blocks) =
type StringWriter = WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writePandocString :: String -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> Pandoc -> Action ()
writePandocString format options out pandoc = do
let writer = getPandocWriter format
writePandocString fmt options out pandoc = do
let writer = getPandocWriter fmt
writeFile' out (writer options pandoc)
writeExampleProject :: Action ()
......@@ -582,10 +576,10 @@ writeEmbeddedFiles files dir = do
let absolute = map (first (dir </>)) files
mapM_ write absolute
write (path, contents) = do
liftIO $ Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
exists <- liftIO $ Dir.doesFileExist path
unless exists $ liftIO $ B.writeFile path contents
write (filePath, contents) = do
liftIO $ Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory filePath)
exists <- liftIO $ Dir.doesFileExist filePath
unless exists $ liftIO $ B.writeFile filePath contents
lookupValue :: String -> Y.Value -> Maybe Y.Value
lookupValue key (Y.Object hashTable) = HashMap.lookup (T.pack key) hashTable
......@@ -598,7 +592,7 @@ metaValueAsString key meta =
k:ks -> lookup' ks (lookupValue k meta)
lookup' :: [String] -> Maybe Y.Value -> Maybe String
lookup' [] (Just (Y.String text)) = Just (T.unpack text)
lookup' [] (Just (Y.String s)) = Just (T.unpack s)
lookup' [] (Just (Y.Number n)) = Just (show n)
lookup' [] (Just (Y.Bool b)) = Just (show b)
lookup' (k:ks) (Just obj@(Y.Object _)) = lookup' ks (lookupValue k obj)
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