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Commit 82989249 authored by Henrik Tramberend's avatar Henrik Tramberend
Browse files

Include is now more robust

parent 1384cfff
No related branches found
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......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ main = do
allSources <- glob "**/*.md"
meta <- glob "**/*.yaml"
-- Read meta data.
metaData <- readMetaDataIO meta
-- let plainSources = allSources \\ (deckSources ++ pageSources)
-- Calculate targets
......@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ main = do
priority 2 $ "//*-deck.html" %> \out -> do
need ["support"]
let src = sourcePath out projectDir ".html" ".md"
markdownToHtmlDeck src meta out
markdownToHtmlDeck src metaData out
priority 2 $ "//*-deck.pdf" %> \out -> do
let src = sourcePath out projectDir ".pdf" ".html"
......@@ -109,13 +112,14 @@ main = do
markdownToPdfHandout src meta out
priority 2 $ "//*-page.html" %> \out -> do
need ["support"]
let src = sourcePath out projectDir "-page.html" ""
markdownToHtmlPage src meta out
need $ [src, "support"] ++ meta
markdownToHtmlPage src metaData out
priority 2 $ "//*-page.pdf" %> \out -> do
let src = sourcePath out projectDir "-page.pdf" ""
markdownToPdfPage src meta out
need $ [src, "support", "cache"] ++ meta
markdownToPdfPage src metaData out
priority 2 $ index %> \out -> do
exists <- Development.Shake.doesFileExist indexSource
......@@ -123,20 +127,12 @@ main = do
putNormal out
rel <- getRelativeSupportDir out
putNormal rel
markdownToHtmlPage src meta out
markdownToHtmlPage src metaData out
indexSource <.> "generated" %> \out -> do
need $ decks ++ handouts ++ pages
writeIndex out (takeDirectory index) decks handouts pages
"//*.html" %> \out -> do
let src = out -<.> "md"
markdownToHtmlPage src meta out
"//*.pdf" %> \out -> do
let src = out -<.> "md"
markdownToPdfPage src meta out
phony "clean" $ do
removeFilesAfter publicDir ["//"]
removeFilesAfter projectDir cruft
......@@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ transition: linear
... in a galaxy far, far away.
# Includes
## Include markdown files
The following text ist included from file `/resource/`:
# Multicolumn slides
## The author
## This is a Level 2 Include
# This is a Level 2 Include
Transitive is cool.
Transitive is so very traditional.
Course is {{course}}
## Level 2 Header
# Level 1 Header
*Here be DRAGONS.*
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Utilities
markdownToHtmlHandout, markdownToPdfHandout, markdownToHtmlPage,
markdownToPdfPage, writeExampleProject, metaValueAsString, (<++>),
markNeeded, replaceSuffixWith, writeEmbeddedFiles,
getRelativeSupportDir, DeckerException(..))
getRelativeSupportDir, collectIncludes, DeckerException(..))
import Control.Monad.Loops
......@@ -260,18 +260,12 @@ getRelativeSupportDir from =
-- | Write a markdown file to a HTML file using the page template.
:: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToHtmlDeck markdownFile metaFiles out =
do need $ markdownFile : metaFiles
metaData <- readMetaData metaFiles
pandoc <- readMetaMarkdown markdownFile metaData
processed <- processPandocDeck "revealjs" pandoc
supportDir <- getRelativeSupportDir out
:: FilePath -> MetaData -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToHtmlDeck markdownFile metaData out =
do supportDir <- getRelativeSupportDir out
let options =
def {writerHtml5 = True
,writerStandalone = True
def {writerStandalone = True
,writerTemplate = deckTemplate
,writerSlideVariant = RevealJsSlides
,writerHighlight = True
,writerHighlightStyle = pygments
,writerHTMLMathMethod =
......@@ -280,9 +274,11 @@ markdownToHtmlDeck markdownFile metaFiles out =
,writerVariables =
[("revealjs-url",supportDir </> "reveal.js")]
,writerCiteMethod = Citeproc}
writePandocString writeHtmlString options out processed
pandoc <- readAndPreprocessMarkdown metaData markdownFile
processed <- processPandocDeck "revealjs" pandoc
let images = extractLocalImagePathes processed
copyLocalImages images markdownFile out
writePandocString "revealjs" options out processed
copyLocalImages :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
copyLocalImages imageFiles inFile outFile =
......@@ -295,15 +291,34 @@ copyLocalImages imageFiles inFile outFile =
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory to)
copyFileChanged from to
type MetaData = Y.Value
-- | Selects a matching pandoc string writer for the format string, or throws an
-- exception.
getPandocWriter :: String -> StringWriter
getPandocWriter format =
case getWriter format of
Right (PureStringWriter w) -> w
Left e -> throw $ PandocException e
_ -> throw $ PandocException $ "No writer for format: " ++ format
-- | Reads a markdownfile, expands the included files, and substitutes mustache
-- template variables.
readAndPreprocessMarkdown :: MetaData -> FilePath -> Action Pandoc
readAndPreprocessMarkdown metaData markdownFile =
do -- let writer = getPandocWriter format
projectDir <- getProjectDir
let baseDir = takeDirectory markdownFile
includes <- collectIncludes markdownFile
pandoc <- readMetaMarkdown markdownFile metaData
need (markdownFile : includes)
liftIO $ processIncludes projectDir baseDir metaData pandoc
-- | Write a markdown file to a HTML file using the page template.
:: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToHtmlPage markdownFile metaFiles out =
:: FilePath -> MetaData -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToHtmlPage markdownFile metaData out =
do supportDir <- getRelativeSupportDir out
projectDir <- getProjectDir
need $ markdownFile : metaFiles
metaData <- readMetaData metaFiles
pandoc <- readMetaMarkdown markdownFile metaData
let options =
def {writerHtml5 = True
,writerStandalone = True
......@@ -316,32 +331,24 @@ markdownToHtmlPage markdownFile metaFiles out =
,writerVariables =
[("css",supportDir </> "readable/bootstrap.min.css")]
,writerCiteMethod = Citeproc}
included <-
liftIO $
processIncludes writeHtmlString
(takeDirectory markdownFile)
processed <- processPandocPage "html" included
writePandocString writeHtmlString options out processed
pandoc <- readAndPreprocessMarkdown metaData markdownFile
processed <- processPandocPage "html5" pandoc
let images = extractLocalImagePathes processed
copyLocalImages images markdownFile out
writePandocString "html5" options out processed
-- | Write a markdown file to a PDF file using the handout template.
:: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToPdfPage markdownFile metaFiles out =
do need $ markdownFile : metaFiles
metaData <- readMetaData metaFiles
pandoc <- readMetaMarkdown markdownFile metaData
processed <- processPandocPage "latex" pandoc
supportDir <- getRelativeSupportDir out
let options =
:: FilePath -> MetaData -> FilePath -> Action ()
markdownToPdfPage markdownFile metaData out =
do let options =
def {writerStandalone = True
,writerTemplate = pageLatexTemplate
,writerHighlight = True
,writerHighlightStyle = pygments
,writerCiteMethod = Citeproc}
pandoc <- readAndPreprocessMarkdown metaData markdownFile
processed <- processPandocPage "latex" pandoc
putNormal $ "# pandoc (for " ++ out ++ ")"
pandocMakePdf options processed out
......@@ -372,7 +379,7 @@ markdownToHtmlHandout markdownFile metaFiles out =
,writerVariables =
[("css",supportDir </> "readable/bootstrap.min.css")]
,writerCiteMethod = Citeproc}
writePandocString writeHtmlString options out processed
writePandocString "html5" options out processed
-- | Write a markdown file to a PDF file using the handout template.
......@@ -411,29 +418,56 @@ cacheRemoteImages cacheDir metaFiles markdownFiles =
where cacheImages markdownFile =
do metaData <- readMetaData metaFiles
pandoc <- readMetaMarkdown markdownFile metaData
liftIO $ walkM (cachePandocImages cacheDir) pandoc
_ <- liftIO $ walkM (cachePandocImages cacheDir) pandoc
putNormal $ "# pandoc (cached images for " ++ markdownFile ++ ")"
processIncludes :: StringWriter -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Y.Value -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
processIncludes writer options rootDir baseDir metaData pandoc =
liftIO $ walkM (include baseDir) pandoc
where include :: FilePath -> Block -> IO Block
include base (Para [Image _ [Str "#include"] (url,_)]) =
do let filePath =
if isAbsolute url
then rootDir </> makeRelative "/" url
else base </> url
includedPandoc <- readMetaMarkdownIO filePath metaData
absoluteIncludePath root base path =
if isAbsolute path
then root </> makeRelative "/" path
else base </> path
-- Transitively collects all include files for the given markdown file. The returned pathes
-- are absolute an can be passed directly to `need`.
collectIncludes :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
collectIncludes markdownFile =
do projectDir <- getProjectDir
liftIO $ collectIncludesIO projectDir markdownFile
collectIncludesIO :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
collectIncludesIO rootDir markdownFile =
do markdown <- readFile markdownFile
let pandoc =
case readMarkdown def markdown of
Right p -> p
Left e -> throw $ PandocException (show e)
let baseDir = takeDirectory markdownFile
let direct = map (absoluteIncludePath rootDir baseDir) (Text.Pandoc.Walk.query include pandoc)
transitive <- mapM (collectIncludesIO rootDir) direct
return $ direct ++ concat transitive
where include :: Block -> [FilePath]
include (Para [Image _ [Str "#include"] (url,_)]) = [url]
include _ = []
-- Transitively splices all include files into the pandoc document.
processIncludes :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Y.Value -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
processIncludes rootDir baseDir metaData (Pandoc meta blocks) =
do included <- processBlocks baseDir blocks
return $ Pandoc meta included
where processBlocks
:: FilePath -> [Block] -> IO [Block]
processBlocks base blcks =
do spliced <- foldM (include base) [] blcks
return $ concat $ reverse spliced
:: FilePath -> [[Block]] -> Block -> IO [[Block]]
include base result (Para [Image _ [Str "#include"] (url,_)]) =
do let filePath = absoluteIncludePath rootDir base url
Pandoc _ b <- readMetaMarkdownIO filePath metaData
included <-
processIncludes writer
(takeDirectory filePath)
let rendered = writer options {writerStandalone = False} included
return $ RawBlock (Format "html") rendered
include _ block = return block
processBlocks (takeDirectory filePath)
return $ included : result
include _ result block = return $ [block] : result
:: String -> Pandoc -> Action Pandoc
......@@ -464,13 +498,14 @@ processPandocHandout format pandoc =
type StringWriter = WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writePandocString :: StringWriter
writePandocString :: String
-> WriterOptions
-> FilePath
-> Pandoc
-> Action ()
writePandocString writer options out pandoc =
do writeFile' out
writePandocString format options out pandoc =
do let writer = getPandocWriter format
writeFile' out
(writer options pandoc)
putNormal $ "# pandoc for (" ++ out ++ ")"
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