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Commit afd7dc51 authored by Henrik Tramberend's avatar Henrik Tramberend
Browse files

Avoid RawHtml round trip for background media

- Added video background handling
- Started to cleanup the pandoc filter pipeline. To be continued.
parent 3b6609a1
No related branches found
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......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module Filter
, escapeToFilePath
, cachePandocImages
, extractLocalImagePathes
, renderImageVideo
, renderMediaTags
, transformImageSize
, lazyLoadImage
, isMacro
......@@ -23,18 +23,19 @@ import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, fromList, lookup)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Debug.Trace
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Network.URI
import Network.URI (parseURI, uriScheme)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Text.Blaze (customAttribute)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
((!), audio, div, figure, iframe, img, p, source, stringTag,
toValue, video, section)
((!), audio, div, figure, iframe, img, p, section, source,
stringTag, toValue, video)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
(alt, class_, height, id, src, style, title, width)
import Text.Pandoc
......@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Printf
import Text.Read
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type MacroFunc = [String] -> Attr -> Target -> Format -> Meta -> Inline
......@@ -162,10 +162,9 @@ expandInlineMacros :: Format -> Meta -> Inline -> Inline
expandInlineMacros format meta inline =
fromMaybe inline (expand inline format meta)
expandMacros :: Maybe Format -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
expandMacros (Just format) doc@(Pandoc meta _) =
expandMacros :: Format -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
expandMacros format doc@(Pandoc meta _) =
walk (expandInlineMacros format meta) doc
expandMacros _ doc = doc
isSlideHeader :: Block -> Bool
isSlideHeader (Header level _ _) = level == 1
......@@ -227,38 +226,50 @@ fragmentRelated =
deFragment :: [String] -> [String]
deFragment = filter (`notElem` fragmentRelated)
-- Transform raw inline image or video elements within the header line with background attributes of the respective
-- section. Media elements were transformed to raw inline elements before by Filter.renderImageVideo
-- see execution order in Utilities.markdownToHtmlDeck.
setBackground :: [Block] -> [Block]
setBackground slide@(Header 1 (id_, cls, kvs) inlines:body) = case (getSrcFromFstRawInline inlines) of
Nothing -> slide
Just src -> modifiedHeader:body
modifiedHeader = Header 1 (id_, cls, [(attributeName, src)]) modifiedInlines
attributeName = case takeExtension src of
ext | ext `elem` videoExtensions -> "data-background-video"
_ -> "data-background"
deconstructSlide :: [Block] -> (Maybe Inline, Maybe Block, [Block])
deconstructSlide (header:body) =
case header of
Header 1 attribs inlines ->
( listToMaybe $ query allImages inlines
, Just $ Header 1 attribs (map zapImages inlines)
, body)
deconstructSlide blocks = (Nothing, Nothing, blocks)
allImages image@Image {} = [image]
allImages _ = []
zapImages Image {} = Space
zapImages inline = inline
-- Transform inline image or video elements within the header line with
-- background attributes of the respective section.
setSlideBackground :: [Block] -> [Block]
setSlideBackground slide@((Header 1 (headerId, headerClasses, headerAttributes) inlines):slideBody) =
case query allImages inlines of
[] -> slide
Image (_, imageClasses, imageAttributes) _ (imageSrc, _):_ ->
( headerId
, headerClasses ++ imageClasses
, srcAttribute imageSrc :
headerAttributes ++ map transform imageAttributes)
(walk zapImages inlines) :
getSrcFromFstRawInline :: [Inline] -> Maybe String
getSrcFromFstRawInline inlines = foldl collect Nothing inlines
collect Nothing inline = getSrcFromRawInline inline
collect (Just src) _ = Just src
getSrcFromRawInline :: Inline -> Maybe String
getSrcFromRawInline (RawInline _ string) =
case (or [isPrefixOf "<img " string, isPrefixOf "<video " string]) of
True -> case find (\str -> isPrefixOf "data-src" str) (words string) of
-- split spring by the quotation character that proceeds "data-src=", eihter \" or \'
Just string | length string > 10 -> Just ((split (dropDelims $ oneOf ((string!!9):[])) string)!!1)
_ -> Nothing
False -> Nothing
getSrcFromRawInline _ = Nothing
modifiedInlines = filter (isNothing . getSrcFromRawInline) inlines
isImageVideoRawInline :: Maybe String -> Bool
isImageVideoRawInline (Just _) = True
isImageVideoRawInline Nothing = False
setBackground slide = slide
transform ("size", value) = ("data-background-size", value)
transform ("position", value) = ("data-background-position", value)
transform ("repeat", value) = ("data-background-repeat", value)
transform ("loop", value) = ("data-background-video-loop", value)
transform ("muted", value) = ("data-background-video-muted", value)
transform ("color", value) = ("data-background-color", value)
transform kv = kv
srcAttribute src =
case classifyFilePath src of
VideoMedia -> ("data-background-video", src)
AudioMedia -> ("data-background-audio", src)
ImageMedia -> ("data-background-image", src)
setSlideBackground slide = slide
wrapBoxes :: [Block] -> [Block]
wrapBoxes (header:body) = header : concatMap wrap boxes
......@@ -291,12 +302,12 @@ mapSlides func (Pandoc meta blocks) = Pandoc meta (concatMap func slides)
slides = split (keepDelimsL $ whenElt isSlideHeader) blocks
makeSlides :: Maybe Format -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
makeSlides (Just (Format "revealjs")) =
makeSlides :: Format -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
makeSlides (Format "revealjs") =
walk (mapSlides splitColumns) .
walk (mapSlides setBackground) .
walk (mapSlides setSlideBackground) .
walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes) . walk (mapSlides wrapNoteRevealjs)
makeSlides (Just (Format "beamer")) =
makeSlides (Format "beamer") =
walk (mapSlides splitColumns) .
walk (mapSlides wrapBoxes) . walk (mapSlides wrapNoteBeamer)
makeSlides _ =
......@@ -346,7 +357,7 @@ localImagePath (Image _ _ (url, _)) =
localImagePath _ = []
extractLocalImagePathes :: Pandoc -> [FilePath]
extractLocalImagePathes pandoc = Text.Pandoc.Walk.query localImagePath pandoc
extractLocalImagePathes = Text.Pandoc.Walk.query localImagePath
isHttpUri :: String -> Bool
isHttpUri url =
......@@ -373,10 +384,16 @@ cacheImageIO uri cacheDir = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
L8.writeFile cacheFile body
-- File extensions that signify video content.
renderMediaTags :: Disposition -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
renderMediaTags disposition = walk (renderImageAudioVideoTag disposition)
-- | File extensions that signify video content.
videoExtensions :: [String]
videoExtensions =
[".mp4", ".webm", ".ogg", ".avi", ".dv", ".mp2", ".mov", ".qt"]
-- | File extensions that signify audio content.
audioExtensions :: [String]
audioExtensions = [".mp3", ".ogg", ".wav"]
data Disposition
......@@ -385,23 +402,31 @@ data Disposition
| Handout
deriving (Eq)
data MediaType
= ImageMedia
| AudioMedia
| VideoMedia
classifyFilePath :: FilePath -> MediaType
classifyFilePath name =
case takeExtension name of
| ext `elem` videoExtensions -> VideoMedia
| ext `elem` audioExtensions -> AudioMedia
_ -> ImageMedia
-- Renders an image with a video reference to a video tag in raw HTML. Faithfully
-- transfers attributes to the video tag.
renderImageVideo :: Disposition -> Inline -> IO Inline
renderImageVideo disposition image@(Image (ident, cls, values) inlines (url, tit)) =
return $ RawInline (Format "html") (renderHtml $ imageVideoTag)
renderImageAudioVideoTag :: Disposition -> Inline -> Inline
renderImageAudioVideoTag disposition (Image (ident, cls, values) inlines (url, tit)) =
RawInline (Format "html") (renderHtml imageVideoTag)
imageVideoTag =
case takeExtension url of
ext | ext `elem` videoExtensions ->
case "background" `elem` cls of
True -> (section "") ! customAttribute "data-background-video" (toValue url) ! customAttribute "class" "slide"
False -> mediaTag (video "Browser does not support video.")
ext | ext `elem` audioExtensions -> mediaTag (audio "Browser does not support audio.")
_ ->
case "background" `elem` cls of
True -> (section "") ! customAttribute "data-background" (toValue url)
False -> mediaTag img
case classifyFilePath url of
VideoMedia -> mediaTag (video "Browser does not support video.")
AudioMedia -> mediaTag (audio "Browser does not support audio.")
ImageMedia -> mediaTag img
appendAttr element (key, value) =
element ! customAttribute (stringTag key) (toValue value)
mediaTag tag =
......@@ -419,7 +444,7 @@ renderImageVideo disposition image@(Image (ident, cls, values) inlines (url, tit
else "src"
transformedValues = (lazyLoad . transformImageSize) values
lazyLoad vs = (srcAttr, url) : vs
renderImageVideo _ inline = return inline
renderImageAudioVideoTag _ inline = inline
-- | Mimic pandoc for handling the 'width' and 'height' attributes of images.
-- That is, transfer 'width' and 'height' attribute values to css style values
......@@ -329,8 +329,7 @@ readAndPreprocessMarkdown markdownFile disposition = do
let method = provisioningFromMeta meta
liftIO $
mapMetaResources (provisionMetaResource method dirs baseDir) pandoc >>=
mapResources (provisionExistingResource method dirs baseDir) >>=
walkM (renderImageVideo disposition)
mapResources (provisionExistingResource method dirs baseDir)
-- Disable automatic caching of remote images for a while
-- >>= walkM (cacheRemoteImages (cache dirs))
......@@ -440,7 +439,9 @@ markdownToPdfHandout markdownFile out = do
putNormal $ "# pandoc (for " ++ out ++ ")"
pandocMakePdf options processed out
-- | Reads a markdown file and returns a pandoc document.
-- | Reads a markdown file and returns a pandoc document. Handles meta data
-- extraction and template substitution. All references to local resources are
-- converted to absolute pathes.
readMetaMarkdown :: FilePath -> Action Pandoc
readMetaMarkdown markdownFile = do
need [markdownFile]
......@@ -719,30 +720,26 @@ downloadUrl url = do
hashURI :: String -> String
hashURI uri = show (md5 $ L8.pack uri) SF.<.> SF.takeExtension uri
justFormat :: String -> Maybe Format
justFormat = Just . Format
processPandocPage :: String -> Pandoc -> Action Pandoc
processPandocPage format pandoc = do
let f = Just (Format format)
dirs <- getProjectDirs
processed <- liftIO $ processCites' pandoc
-- processed <- liftIO $ walkM (useCachedImages (cache dirs)) pandoc
return $ expandMacros f processed
cited <- liftIO $ processCites' pandoc
return $ (renderMediaTags Page . expandMacros (Format format)) cited
processPandocDeck :: String -> Pandoc -> Action Pandoc
processPandocDeck format pandoc = do
let f = Just (Format format)
dirs <- getProjectDirs
processed <- liftIO $ processCites' pandoc
-- processed <- liftIO $ walkM (useCachedImages cacheD(cache dirs)ir) pandoc
return $ (makeSlides f . expandMacros f) processed
cited <- liftIO $ processCites' pandoc
return $ (renderMediaTags Page . makeSlides (Format format) . expandMacros (Format format)) cited
processPandocHandout :: String -> Pandoc -> Action Pandoc
processPandocHandout format pandoc = do
let f = Just (Format format)
dirs <- getProjectDirs
processed <- liftIO $ processCites' (makeBoxes pandoc)
-- processed <- liftIO $ walkM (useCachedImages (cache dirs)) pandoc
-- return $ (expandMacros f . filterNotes f) processed
return $ expandMacros f processed
cited <- liftIO $ processCites' pandoc
return $ (renderMediaTags Page . expandMacros (Format format)) cited
type StringWriter = WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
history: True
# Background Images
## Four slides with background image
1. RevealJS style with `data-background-image` attribute
1. decker style with image only header
2. decker style with image and title text header
2. decker style with first image on slide with class `background`
1. RevealJS style with `data-background-image` attribute
2. decker style with image and title text header
3. decker style with image and title text header and attributes
4. decker style with image and title text header and attributes
# RevealJs Style {data-background-image="include/06-metal.png"}
# ![](include/06-metal.png)
## Source
# RevealJs Style {data-background-image="include/06-metal.png"}
# Image in Title 1 ![](include/06-metal.png)
## Source
# Image in Title 1 ![](include/06-metal.png)
# Image in Title 2 ![](include/06-metal.png){size="30%" repeat="repeat"}
## Source
# Image in Title 2 ![](include/06-metal.png){size="50%" repeat="repeat"}
# Image in Title ![](include/06-metal.png)
# Image in Title 3 ![](include/06-metal.png){size="50%" repeat="no-repeat" color="black"}
# First Image on Slide
## Source
# Image in Title 3 ![](include/06-metal.png){size="50%" repeat="no-repeat" color="black"}
history: True
# Background Videos
## Four slides with background video
1. RevealJS style with `data-background-video` attribute
2. decker style with image and title text header
3. decker style with image and title text header and `loop` attribute
# RevealJs Style {data-background-video="movie.mp4"}
## Source
# RevealJs Style {data-background-video="movie.mp4"}
# Video in Title 1 ![](movie.mp4)
## Source
# Image in Title 1 ![](movie.mp4)
# Video in Title 2 ![](movie.mp4){loop="1"}
## Source
# Image in Title 2 ![](movie.mp4){loop="1"}
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