# Overview
## Registration Procedure
* [Before your arrival in Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [After your arrival in Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [International Office of the University of Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)
## Information for International Exchange Students
A typical semester for an international student that stays for one semester is structured as follows:
1. Master Thesis (30 ECTS)
2. Or Master Project (10 ECTS)
3. And/or Scientific Internship (10 ECTS - 8 Weeks)
4. And/or two modules among: Realtime Interactive System, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Learning, Multimodal Interface or one of our Research Seminars (5 ECTS each)
5. German as Foreign Language (2 ECTS)
Detailed information about the available courses for international students can be found in the list below.
## Information for International Fulltime Students
The [International Office of the University of Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/) provides information and advice for international students who want to apply for or are already enrolled in one of our courses.
Information about the application for international students can found on the pages of the [International Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/). Please contact the international office for advice.
# Incoming PhD
## Register as a PhD candidate at the faculty (Mathematics & Computer Sciences)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check Prerequisites</td>
* Qualifying degrees
* Confirmation from a professor who is willing to supervise you
* Proof of German proficiency when needed _(Normally not needed)_
<td>Contact the professor</td>
* Sign the Supervision Agreement [Betreuungsvereinbarung_MathInfo_template.pages](uploads/ce4515bb5d1f110b53bd44e0b488750e/Betreuungsvereinbarung_MathInfo_template.pages) together with the professor
<td>Supervision agreement</td>
<td>Apply at the dean's office</td>
* [Antrag__Zulassung_als_Doktorand (application for admission as a doctoral student).doc](uploads/82643ffaacef46b2544cb2f6d63695e7/Antrag__Zulassung_als_Doktorand.doc)
* signed Supervision Agreement
* supplementary materials according to [Promotionsordnung_2019 (Doctoral Regulations 2019).pdf](uploads/c9ea31064d06eeef72d80571a1a05d20/Promotionsordnung_2019.pdf)
* contact the dean's office: [Mrs. Susan Schmitt](mailto:schmitt@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
<td>Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee</td>
## Register as a PhD candidate at the faculty (Human Science)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check Prerequisites</td>
* Info: https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschung/promotion/
* [Guide](https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/06000000/Fakultaet/Forschung/Promotion/LeitfadenPromotion.pdf)
* [Doctoral Regulations](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/39030000/download/public/promotionsordnungen/Promotionsordnung_Humanwissenschaften-aes1-20181212-netz.pdf)
* Qualifying degrees
* Confirmation from a professor who is willing to supervise you
* Proof of German proficiency when needed _(Normally not needed)_
<td>Contact the professor</td>
<td>Contact a professor who is willing to supervise you</td>
<td>Apply at the dean's office</td>
* sign the[2Zulassungsantrag_Promotionsgremium\_-vereinbarung (application for admission and agreement).docx](uploads/c0fab01b1319c03e07c9ba77d88a285c/2Zulassungsantrag_Promotionsgremium\_-vereinbarung.docx)
* sign the Declaration on § 5 Doctoral Regulations [3ErklaerungParagraf5.pdf](uploads/2a6f1931aeed238879c8c12bfe556ff4/3ErklaerungParagraf5.pdf)
* sign the Leaflet on the application for admission[4MerkblattAntragDoktorandIn.pdf](uploads/894cc0f9b641e6da0304b58007bc4b1d/4MerkblattAntragDoktorandIn.pdf)
* Routing slip qualification program [5Laufzettel_Qualifikationsprogramm.docx](uploads/424870ef44971b7b453af67eaaec0005/5Laufzettel_Qualifikationsprogramm.docx)
* supplementary materials according to [Doctoral Regulation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/39030000/download/public/promotionsordnungen/Promotionsordnung_Humanwissenschaften-aes1-20181212-netz.pdf)
<td>Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee</td>
## Enroll as an International PhD student (Not Mandatory)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check prerequisites</td>
* Same as applying as a PhD candidate
* letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee
Apply at the [International Students Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)
(German students should apply at the student office(studierendenkanzlei@uni-wuerzburg.de))
* Fill out the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf)
* Supplementary materials according to the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf)
* Hand in your application before each semester's [deadlines](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/).
<td>International student office will contact you</td>
# Incoming International Employee
**Important Pre-Arrival Info**
For incoming employees, please refer to [Checklists and formalities before coming to Germany](#checklists-and-formalities-before-coming-to-germany) for details regarding visas.
<td>General Info</td>
<td>Sign the contract (no digital version)</td>
For details, please refer to https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-only/teams/hci-workflow-support-info/-/wikis/Home#resources-for-new-colleagues
* contract
* copy of documents (? **need to find out**)
* health insurance application
<td>Set up new employees with IT access.</td>
please refer to https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/onboarding-new-employees
# Incoming International Guest Researcher
<td>General Info</td>
<td>Information and contacts</td>
* <span dir="">Dr. Angelika Schartl</span>
* <span dir="">T (0931) 281099</span>
* **angelika.schartl@arcor.de**
(Optional) Find accommodation at the [Guest house](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/university/study-and-research/visiting-scholars/guesthouse/)
* check room [price](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/university/study-and-research/visiting-scholars/guesthouse/) and availability
* Ask if rooms are available in advance:
* <span dir="">Phone: +49 931 31-89423 or 31-82032</span>
* <span dir="">Fax: +49 931 31-82000</span>
* **koerperschaft@uni-wuerzburg.de**
* Fill out and send the application form: <span dir="">English (</span>[**Word-Doc, 99 kb**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32060000/2023/Booking_Application_2023.doc)<span dir="">) German (</span>[**Word-Doc, 99 kb**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32060000/2023/Reservierungsantrag_2023.doc)<span dir="">)</span>
* More information for [accommodation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/accommodation/)
<td>Welcome Center (Optional)</td>
* https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/start-page/
* <span dir="">e-mail </span>**welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de**
* <span dir="">phone 0931 31 84356</span>
* **Welcome guide (we send them via email)**: https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/students/hci-international-relations-info/-/wikis/uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf
<td>Apply for a University guest card (optional)</td>
We request at Waltraud Gierscher (waltraud.gierscher@uni-wuerzburg.de)
# Incoming International students/exchange students (ERASMUS)
## For students taking a degree program
<td>General Info</td>
**Bachelor** application for admission
https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/bachelor-teaching-degree-law-state-examination/ (?)
<td>Letter of admission</td>
**Master** application for admission
<td>Letter of admission</td>
<td>Application deadline</td>
* Winter Semester: June 15th _(please double check date _[_here_](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/#c367197)_)_
* Summer Semester: January 15th _(please double check date _[_here_](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/#c367197)_)_
<td>Before arrival</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/
* Apply for a [visa](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/) if not from EU/EEA
* [Health insurance](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/) covering the full duration of the stay
* EU and UK students: <span dir="">Apply for a European Health Insurance Card "EHIC" resp.</span>
* Students from Switzerland or Turkey: a document stating the coverage needs to be presented to the AOK (or other German companies) student service, who will then check if it is valid and sufficient
* Students from other countries: see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/) for more details.
* provide all documents in **ENGLISH**
* Find [accommodation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/living/)
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/enrolment-semester-fees/
* Enrollment is required every semester, and it is the student's responsibility to enroll themselves.
* <span dir="">The</span> [**online portal for enrolment**](https://wuestudy.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de/qisserver/pages/cs/sys/portal/hisinoneStartPage.faces?chco=y&noDBAction=y&init=y) <span dir="">opens 2 or 3 months before the semester starts</span>. You will receive the login credentials for Wuestudy **by post** after completing the application process above
* Prepare documents mentioned in the **letter of admission**.
* The signed enrollment form [Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf](/uploads/9ad24f453e2dfc550b4e89e41268ac13/Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_f%C3%BCr_Programmstudenten.pdf)
* Students also need to enroll for modules and exams by themselves
<td>After arrival</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/after-arrival/
* [registration at the City Hall (Rathaus)](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/registration-with-the-city-of-wuerzburg/)
* [Get a resident permit](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/resident-permit/)
* [Pick up your student card](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/student-card/)
<td>Fee and payment</td>
* Semester fee: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/studium/studienangelegenheiten/beitraegeundgebuehren/
* <span dir="">Two options for payment transactions</span>: SEPA or Bank transfer. https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/studium/studienangelegenheiten/beitraegeundgebuehren/zahlungswege/#c80541
<span dir="">To cancel your sepa contact </span>**<span dir="">sepa@uni-wuerzburg.de</span>**
<td>Access to IT, library, bank account</td>
<span dir="">Doris Laug</span>: international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de
<span dir="">Ulla Hornung</span>: international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de
## For exchange students
<td>General info</td>
<td>check prerequisites</td>
Same as a regular student,
* <span dir="">have a </span>_Mittlere Reife_<span dir=""> or an equivalent or higher secondary school leaving qualification</span>
* <span dir="">who can demonstrate that strong grounds exist for which they are seeking admission as a guest student</span>
<td>Check accessibility and restrictions for applying for courses</td>
Courses in several programmes cannot be chosen, check the [list](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/application-and-enrollment/bewerbungundzulassunguebersich/) and [Webpage](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/guest-students/)
(Optional) If want to choose course at <span dir="">Language Centre (ZfS)</span>:
* contact Zfs for registration there and a confirmation
* submit this confirmation when applying for admission (next step)
Modules from HCI: https://mcs.phil2.uni-wuerzburg.de/international/incoming/
<td>Application for admission</td>
* fill out the [**Application for Admission as a Guest Student and SEPA Core Direct Debit Mandate**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ref_2.2\_-\_SG_1/Formulare/Anmeldung_Gaststudierender_mit_Lastschrift_EN.pdf)
* If you have enrolled before, use the [**Re-Enrolment / Registration for Additional Courses for Guest Students**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ref_2.2\_-\_SG_1/Formulare/Rueckmeldung-Nachbelegung_Gaststudierender_mit_Lastschrift_EN.pdf)
* Send the application with supplementary materials **by Post** or **in person** (not email). Check the [address and Office hour](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/home/)
* Application [deadline](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/application-deadlines/)
<td>Before arrival</td>
Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/
* [Learning Agreement](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/learning-agreement-engl/)
* [checklist](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/exchange/Vor_der_Abreise/Checklist_for_Exchange_Students_english_Corona.pdf)
* [find a tutor](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/assistance/student-tutors/)
* <span dir="">Apply for a </span>[<span dir="">visa</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/)<span dir=""> if not from EU/EEA</span>
* [<span dir="">Health insurance</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/)<span dir=""> covering the full duration of the stay</span>
* <span dir="">EU and UK students: Apply for a European Health Insurance Card "EHIC" resp.</span>
* <span dir="">Students from Switzerland or Turkey: a document stating the coverage needs to be presented to the AOK (or other German companies) student service, who will then check if it is valid and sufficient</span>
* <span dir="">Students from other countries: see </span>[<span dir="">here</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/)<span dir=""> for more details.</span>
* <span dir="">provide all documents in **ENGLISH**</span>
* <span dir="">Find </span>[<span dir="">accommodation</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/living/)
[After arrival](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [<span dir="">registration at the City Hall (Rathaus)</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/registration-with-the-city-of-wuerzburg/)
* [<span dir="">Get a resident permit</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/resident-permit/)
* [<span dir="">Pick up your student card</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/student-card/)
<td>Fee and payment</td>
* Check [tuition fee](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/guest-students/)
* Sign the SEPA (in the previous step)
To cancel your sepa contact **sepa@uni-wuerzburg.de**
<td>Transcript of record (grade transfer)</td>
Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/transcript-of-records-fuer-auslaendische-studierende/
<span dir="">Your academic results during your stay in the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg will be recorded in the Transcript of Records and it will be sent to you and your home University.</span> See [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/transcript-of-records-fuer-auslaendische-studierende/) for more details.
Note: you have to register for the exam yourselves before taking an exam.
<td>Access to IT, library, bank account</td>
# Checklists and formalities before coming to Germany
[**Checklist: Formalities before your arrival**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_before_your_arrival.pdf)
<td>Visa Applications Support (if applicable)</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
* International **students** and **PhD students**: contact [**International Office**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/kontakt/)for support. Basic information [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/).
* International **PhD students** can also register at the welcome center ([**registration form**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/)**)** to receive support.
* **Guest researchers:** contact the [Welcome Center](mailto:welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de)[ ](welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de)or department(us)
* **Employees** (including professors and research associates)**:** contact the department and register at the welcome center ([**registration form**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/));<span dir=""> </span>[**Visa information for employees**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/uni_wue_visuminfo_flyer_vers2020.pdf)
* [Further Information on Rights of Residence](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/)
**Important:** <span dir="">if your stay at the University of Würzburg includes a </span>**working contract**<span dir=""> you need to apply for a </span>**work visa**<span dir=""> (</span>**National Visa Category D**<span dir=""> including the </span>**work visa**<span dir="">) at your respective German embassy </span>**BEFORE**<span dir=""> you enter Germany</span>; in the case when you need a **signed contract** (which can only be signed upon arrival) for the work visa, please request a Hosting Agreement to apply [a Visa for the purpose of research](https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/de/visum-aufenthalt/arten/weitere/forschen) under [**<span dir="">§ 18d Residence Act</span>**](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/aufenthg_2004/\__18d.html)**.**
Apply for a [**Hosting Agreement**](https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/Forschung/Forschungseinrichtungen/08muster-aufnahmevereinbarung-deutsch-englisch.html?nn=282388) <span dir="">("Forschungsvereinbarung" or "Aufnahmevereinbarung")</span>: contact the **department** (us)
<td>Upon arrival</td>
For detailed information see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_upon_your_arrival.pdf)
* registering with the Citizens' Office
* opening a bank account
* taking out health insurance
* signing your employment contract
* registering with the Department for Nationality Issues and Foreigner Affairs to get your work permit or extend your residence permit
* decide on the potential use of benefits offered to civil servants (such as the occupational pension scheme or the job ticket for public transport)
<td>Before departure (leaving Germany)</td>
For detailed information see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_before_your_departure.pdf)
* giving notice of departure at the Citizens' Office
* keeping cancellation periods for your apartment, telephone and internet contracts, job ticket and other subscriptions
* closing your bank account
# Modules for Incoming Exchange Students
The modules listed on this page are offered for international exchange students and can be held in English.
## Modules Offered Every Summer and Every Winter Semester
### Light and Dark Sides of XR (5 ECTS)
##### Description
This seminar focuses on specific areas of application and effects of XR (VR, AR, MR). This is particularly about discussing positive (learning, training, therapy) and negative (gambling, horror, influence) aspects that can occur when using XR. The identified positive and negative factors can ultimately play a central role in the design of positive applications and the classification of negative systems.
In addition to teaching theoretical basics and discussing practical examples from research, you will also implement your own small research project. By using the Unity game engine, you develop a demonstrator and check its effectiveness. You will present the results of your project as an examination at the end of the seminar.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, participants can name positive and negative applications of VR. Also, participants know about human and technical factors that influence the perception of immersive media. Finally, participants can design VR projects targeting a positive and negative influence of the users.
##### Level
- Bachelor MCS, Master HCI, Computer Sience
##### Required Prerequisites
- Some Unity experience would be helpful, otherwise no requirements
### HCI Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Sound research requires an in-depth reflection of prior approaches and the related work typically published in the scientific media (conference proceedings, journals, books, etc.). This course is an advanced course about typical scientific research work with a specific focus on topics from the field of human-computer interaction (HCI).
During the course, students will have to work on one specific topic as a preparation for their master thesis. They will have to find relevant publications, read the publications and analyze them given some defined research questions and/or categories of the current state-of-the-art. They have to summarize and present their findings to a larger audience.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the participants will have a solid understanding of an important aspect of typical research work. They will have learned how to read scientific publications, how to extract relevant information, and how to summarize their findings.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
### HCI Master Thesis (30 ECTS)
##### Competencies/Qualification Description
The students have to individually work on an assigned problem in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and document their results using good scientific standards.
##### Competencies/Qualification Competencies/Qualification
Participants will learn how to apply scientific methods from the HCI field. They will learn a structured approach starting from a definition and motivation of research questions and the discussion and summery of related work from scientific publications and prior approaches. Following this they will learn how to develop own concepts and methods to tackle the questions and how to implement them and potentially to evaluate the results.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science (\< 3 semesters)
### HCI Project Interdisciplinary
##### Description
Practical experience is a necessary skill for application-oriented aspects of various sciences. This is specifically true for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) which incorporates engineering as well as empirical work skills. This course assigns a well-defined project or task to (teams of) students which they have to solve largely on their own. The topic will be in the area of Human-Computer Interaction with an individually assigned focus between the engineering, aka computer science, and the empirical or psychological part of HCI.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the participants will have a solid understanding of how to solve a coherent problem using typical HCI-skills. They will have learned how to define and execute individual work packages.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Statistics (\> 4 ECTS)
- Research Methods (\> 4 ECTS)
### HCI Project Exhibition (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Presentation and communication are important skills for application-oriented and practical aspects of various sciences. This is specifically true for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This course requires the participants to present the results of an associated project to a larger audience in a and exhibition-like setup.
##### Competencies/Qualification
The participants will learn how to present their own work to a larger audience, how to plan, design and set-up the different parts of an own exhibition booth, and how to react individually to questions from the audience.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Project (\> 9 ECTS)
### Game Lab (10 ECTS)
##### Description
Computer or video games have become a major aspect of modern culture and a large economical factor in recent years. This course is an introduction into the conceptual and technical approaches necessary to build computer games.
The course will cover topics about the principles of game design, necessary tools for the design and development chain of computer games, the interactive game loop, necessary conceptual and functional aspects of game engines (I/O, graphics, physics, or artificial intelligence), as well as an introduction into modern game architectures.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the necessary aspects to take into account during the design and development of computer games. They will learn about the principle layout and architecture of modern games as well as about tools to solve the various tasks necessary to build computer games. They will be able to implement their own games and to choose the right software tools for this task.
##### Level
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
- Artificial Intelligence (\> 4 ECTS)
## Modules Offered Every Summer Semester
### 3D User Interfaces (5 ECTS)
##### Description
This module will give students the opportunity to learn about the specificities of 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) development using Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality technologies.
The module content will be mainly dedicated to learning and practicing the skills essential to the design and implementation of high-quality 3D interaction techniques. Design guidelines as well as classical and innovative 3D Interaction techniques will be studied.
In addition, the course will address novel research themes such as 3D interaction for large displays and games; and integrating 3DUIs with mobile devices, robotics, and the environment.
Students will be assessed through a group practical project (team work), which will consist of 3D Interaction Techniques (ITs) development for a particular a task
Previous years, the assignment replicated the [IEEE 3DUI Contest 2011](http://conferences.computer.org/3dui/3dui2011/cfp-contest.html), where teams of students competed between each other to find the best solution (see results [video1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYs-pBW7Agc) and [video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYs-pBW7Agc))
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to create your own 3D spatial interfaces. They will have a broad understanding of the particular difficulties of designing and developing spatial interfaces, as well as evaluating then. Students will also learn about traditional and novel 3D input/output devices (e.g. motion tracking system and Head-mounted Display).
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
- Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
### Multimodal Interfaces (5 ECTS)
##### Description
The multimodal interaction paradigm simultaneously uses various modalities like speech, gesture, touch, or gaze, to communicate with computers and machines. Basically, multimodal interaction includes the analysis as well as the synthesis of multimodal utterances. This course concentrates on the analysis, i.e., the input processing. Input processing has the goal to derive meaning from signal to provide a computerized description and understanding of the input and to execute the desired interaction. In multimodal systems, this process is interleaved between various modalities and multiple interdependencies exist between simultaneous utterances necessary to take into account for a successful machine interpretation.
In this course, students will learn about the necessary steps involved in processing unimodal as well as multimodal input. The course will highlight typical stages in multimodal processing. Using speech processing as a primary example, they learn about:
1. A/D conversion
2. Segmentation
3. Syntactical analysis
4. Semantic analysis
5. Pragmatic analysis
6. Discourse analysis
A specific emphasize will be on stages like morphology and semantic analysis. Typical aspects of multimodal interdependencies, i.e., temporal and semantic interrelations are highlighted and consequences for an algorithmic processing are derived. Prominent multimodal integration (aka multimodal fusion) approaches are described, including transducers, state machines, and unification.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will be able to build their own multimodal interfaces. They will have a broad understanding of all the necessary steps involved and will know prominent algorithmic solutions for each of them. Student will learn about available tools for reoccurring tasks and their pros and cons.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Machine Learning (\> 4 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
- 3D User Interfaces (\> 4 ECTS)
### Interactive Computer Graphics (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Computer graphics studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. This course specifically concentrates on interactive graphics with an additional focus on 3D graphics as a requirement for many contemporary as well as for novel human-computer interfaces and computer games.
The course will cover topics about light and images, lighting models, data representations, mathematical formulations of movements, projection as well as texturing methods. Theoretical aspects of the steps involved in ray-tracing and the raster pipeline will be complemented by algorithmic approaches for interactive image syntheses using computer systems. Accompanying software solutions will utilize modern graphics packages and languages like OpenGL, GLSL and/or DirectX.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the underlying theoretical models of computer graphics. They will be able to implement a prominent variety of these models, to build their own interactive graphics applications, and to choose the right software tool for this task.
##### Level
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 3 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Linear Algebra I
### Interactive Artificial Intelligence (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Artificial Intelligence (AI) studies the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, that is, methods which let machines or software exhibit intelligent behavior. This course specifically concentrates on interactive methods applicable to novel human-computer interfaces and computer games.
The course will cover topics about problem solving in general, search methods, semantic representation, logic and deduction methods, constraint satisfaction methods, as well as algorithmic approaches to apply these methods to interactive systems. The latter includes the identification of necessary software modules and requirements for AI-enabled systems as well as APIs for building so-called world interfaces.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the underlying theoretical models and methods used in interactive Artificial Intelligence. They will be able to implement a prominent variety of these methods, to build their own intelligent interactive applications, and to choose the right software tool for this task.
##### Level
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
### ~~Multiplayer Online Games - Theory (5 ECTS)~~
> `Important - Module Not Provided Anymore`
##### Description
This module will give the students the opportunity to learn about the specificities of multiplayer networked games.
The first part will be mainly dedicated to learning and practicing the skills essential to the development of networked and multithreaded applications, as well as reviewing basic game programming techniques and architectures.
During the second part, domain specific techniques, including latency-hiding strategies, persistence and synchronization in virtual worlds, group communication models, cheating and security issues and how to evaluate multiplayer games playability will be described.
Classical and innovative game genres architectures and deployment will be studied. Students will be given the opportunity to experiment and practice with the issues studied through the use of suitable libraries and middleware (e.g. game engine).
Students will be assessed through a written exam.
Note: It is strongly recommended to also follow the module: Multiplayer Online Game - Practice (MOG-P) after participating to this course.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to analyze the impact on games development of network hardware, protocols, architectures and topologies.
They will have a broad understanding of the particular difficulties of designing and developing online multiplayer games, as well as evaluating then. Students will also learn about traditional and novel 3D online game architectures and gain practical skills to implement them.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (\> 10 ECTS)
- Softwaretechnik (\> 10 ECTS)
- Programmierpraktikum (\> 10 ECTS)
- Software Quality (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
- Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
- Developing Games (\> 6 ECTS)
## Modules Offered Every Winter Semester
### Principles of Real-Time Interactive Systems (5 ECTS)
##### Description
This course provides an introduction into the requirements, concepts, and engineering art of highly interactive human-computer systems. Such systems are typically found in perceptual computing, Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality, computer games, and cyber-physical systems. Lately, these systems are often termed Real-Time Interactive Systems (RIS) due to their common aspects.
The course covers theoretical models derived from the requirements of the application area as well as common hands-on and novel solutions necessary to tackle and fulfill these requirements. The first part of the course will concentrate on the conceptual principles characterizing real-time interactive systems. Questions answered are: What are the main requirements? How do we handle multiple modalities? How do we define the timeliness of RIS? Why is it important? What do we have to do to assure timeliness? The second part will introduce a conceptual model of the mission-critical aspects of time, latencies, processes, and events necessary to describe a system’s behavior. The third part introduces the application state, it’s requirements of distribution and coherence, and the consequences these requirements have on decoupling and software quality aspects in general. The last part introduces some potential solutions to data redundancy, distribution, synchronization, and interoperability.
Along the way, typical and prominent state-of-the-art approaches to reoccurring engineering tasks are discussed. This includes pipeline systems, scene graphs, application graphs (aka field routing), event systems, entity and component models, and others. Novel concepts like actor models and ontologies will be covered as alternative solutions. The theoretical and conceptual discussions will be put into a practical context of today’s commercial and research systems, e.g., X3D, instant reality, Unity3d, Unreal Engine 4, and Simulator X.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a solid understanding of the boundary conditions defined by both, the physiological and psychological characteristics of the human users as well as by the architectures and technological characteristics of today’s computer systems. Participants will gain a solid understanding about what they can expect from today’s technological solutions. They will be able to choose the appropriate approach and tools to solve a given engineering task in this application area and they will have a well-founded basis enabling them to develop alternative approaches for future real-time interactive systems.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Software engineering, software quality (\> 10 ECTS)
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Computer graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Perception and physiology (\> 5 ETCS)
### Machine Learning (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us practical speech recognition, effective web search, self-driving cars, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. It is one of today's prominent paradigms in HCI applicable in all areas where the understanding of user input of high variability, specifically for natural interactions using, e.g., gesture, speech, or eye-gaze, is paramount. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI.
In this course, students will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work. Students not only learn the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Finally, they learn about some of Silicon Valley's best practices in innovation as it pertains to machine learning and AI.
This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data-mining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building gesture-based and multimodal interfaces, text and speech understanding (web search, anti-spam), smart robots (perception, control), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will be able to solve machine learning tasks on their own using assistive technologies, e.g., like Octave. In addition, they will be able to derive main principles and apply these in own programs. Students will be able to choose the appropriate approach and tools to solve a given machine learning task in various application area, specifically in HCI.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Statistics (\> 5 ETCS)
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
### Software Quality (5 ECTS)
##### Description
How to develop high quality software? How to write good code? This module will give students teach how to recognize and write high quality software code.
The module content will be mainly dedicated to learning skills to meet critical software quality requirements such as reliability, testability, accuracy, security, portability and maintainability as well as efficiency in time and space. Programming guidelines as well as code examples will illustrate concepts, techniques and tools that lead to professional code quality, and ensure high software quality production.
Different programming languages will be used to highlight typical examples and key concepts.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to produce high quality code. They will also have a broad understanding of testing techniques and software requirements specifications.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 2 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (\> 10 ECTS)
- Softwaretechnik (\> 10 ECTS)
- Programmierpraktikum (\> 10 ECTS)
### ~~Multiplayer Online Games - Practice (5 ECTS)~~
> `Important - Module Not Provided Anymore`
##### Description
This module will give the students the opportunity to program multiplayer online games through the use of suitable libraries and middleware (e.g. game engine). Students will be assessed through a team project, which will consist of developing and presenting multiplayer online games. This module will run as a _Game Lab_ for multiplayer online games. The first part will be mainly dedicated to learning different game technologies as well as reviewing basic game programming techniques and traditional online game architectures. During the second part, teams will work on their project while being supervised by lecturers and tutors. Each week teams will briefly present their progress and discuss future work, issues as well as potential solutions.
Note: It is strongly recommended to also follow the module: Multiplayer Online Game - Theory (MOG-T) in parallel or before participating to this practical course.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have gained practical skills to implement multiplayer online games, using industry standard libraries and game engines.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
- Softwaretechnik
- Programmierpraktikum
- Software Quality
- Real-Time Interactive Systems
- Computer Graphics
- Developing Games
- Multiplayer Online Game Theory
### Network and Concurrent Programming (5ECTS)
##### Description
This module will allow the students to learn and practice the skills essential to developing networked and multithreaded applications.
The module will give a first overview of intra-process and extra-process communication techniques.
This module will give an overview of networking protocols and thread libraries and familiarize the students with multithreaded and distributed programming paradigms, focusing in particular on the real-time interactive systems (RIS) domain (such as video games, virtual reality, or mixed reality applications).
Issues faced when developing a concurrent or distributed application will be tackled, including thread synchronization and network protocol reliability. Classical and innovative design patterns and architectures will also be studied.
Students will be given the opportunity to experiment and practice with the issues studied through the use of suitable programming language, libraries, and middleware during the exercise sessions.
Students will be assessed through a written exam.
##### Indicative Content:
- Inter- and extra- process communications
- Threads models (lightweight processes) in high-level languages such as Java,C# or C++ and inter-threads and external communications and synchronization
- Design and development of a concurrent and networked application using a suitable API Communication Protocols (e.g., Ipv6, UDP, TCP, HTTP, RTP and SSL/TLS)
- Stream and datagram sockets
- Distributed architectures (e.g., clients-server, services-based architectures)
- Abstractions for concurrent and distributed applications:
- design patterns
- communication models,
- distributed objects models
##### Competencies/Qualification
This module aims to:
1. Provide the students with an understanding of computer networks systems.
2. Develop the students' ability to design and develop concurrent and networked applications using a variety of languages and suitable APIs, and through adequate design patterns and communication models.
3. Provide an overview of different concurrent programming models, such as threads and processes, and the different communication models they can support.
4. Describe the classical networking protocols and communication models on private networks and the Internet.
5. Describe the issues faced when developing distributed applications with strong real-time interactive requirements such as digital games, virtual reality or mixed reality applications.
##### Prerequisites
Targeted Level
- Bachelor Games Engineering \>= 3 semesters.
Recommended Level
- Bachelor of Science \>= 3 semesters.
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 3 semesters.
##### Recommended previous knowledge
- Algorithm and Data Structure
- Software Developments
- Object-Oriented Programming (e.g., Java)
- Interactive System Programming
##### Literature
# Overview
## Registration Procedure
* [Before your arrival in Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [After your arrival in Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [International Office of the University of Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)
## Information for International Exchange Students
A typical semester for an international student that stays for one semester is structured as follows:
1. Master Thesis (30 ECTS)
2. Or Master Project (10 ECTS)
3. And/or Scientific Internship (10 ECTS - 8 Weeks)
4. And/or two modules among: Realtime Interactive System, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Learning, Multimodal Interface or one of our Research Seminars (5 ECTS each)
5. German as Foreign Language (2 ECTS)
Detailed information about the available courses for international students can be found in the list below.
## Information for International Fulltime Students
The [International Office of the University of Würzburg](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/) provides information and advice for international students who want to apply for or are already enrolled in one of our courses.
Information about the application for international students can found on the pages of the [International Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/). Please contact the international office for advice.
# Incoming PhD
## Register as a PhD candidate at the faculty (Mathematics & Computer Sciences)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check Prerequisites</td>
* Qualifying degrees
* Confirmation from a professor who is willing to supervise you
* Proof of German proficiency when needed _(Normally not needed)_
<td>Contact the professor</td>
* Sign the Supervision Agreement [Betreuungsvereinbarung_MathInfo_template.pages](uploads/ce4515bb5d1f110b53bd44e0b488750e/Betreuungsvereinbarung_MathInfo_template.pages) together with the professor
<td>Supervision agreement</td>
<td>Apply at the dean's office</td>
* [Antrag__Zulassung_als_Doktorand (application for admission as a doctoral student).doc](uploads/82643ffaacef46b2544cb2f6d63695e7/Antrag__Zulassung_als_Doktorand.doc)
* signed Supervision Agreement
* supplementary materials according to [Promotionsordnung_2019 (Doctoral Regulations 2019).pdf](uploads/c9ea31064d06eeef72d80571a1a05d20/Promotionsordnung_2019.pdf)
* contact the dean's office: [Mrs. Susan Schmitt](mailto:schmitt@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
<td>Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee</td>
## Register as a PhD candidate at the faculty (Human Science)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check Prerequisites</td>
* Info: https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschung/promotion/
* [Guide](https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/06000000/Fakultaet/Forschung/Promotion/LeitfadenPromotion.pdf)
* [Doctoral Regulations](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/39030000/download/public/promotionsordnungen/Promotionsordnung_Humanwissenschaften-aes1-20181212-netz.pdf)
* Qualifying degrees
* Confirmation from a professor who is willing to supervise you
* Proof of German proficiency when needed _(Normally not needed)_
<td>Contact the professor</td>
<td>Contact a professor who is willing to supervise you</td>
<td>Apply at the dean's office</td>
* sign the[2Zulassungsantrag_Promotionsgremium\_-vereinbarung (application for admission and agreement).docx](uploads/c0fab01b1319c03e07c9ba77d88a285c/2Zulassungsantrag_Promotionsgremium\_-vereinbarung.docx)
* sign the Declaration on § 5 Doctoral Regulations [3ErklaerungParagraf5.pdf](uploads/2a6f1931aeed238879c8c12bfe556ff4/3ErklaerungParagraf5.pdf)
* sign the Leaflet on the application for admission[4MerkblattAntragDoktorandIn.pdf](uploads/894cc0f9b641e6da0304b58007bc4b1d/4MerkblattAntragDoktorandIn.pdf)
* Routing slip qualification program [5Laufzettel_Qualifikationsprogramm.docx](uploads/424870ef44971b7b453af67eaaec0005/5Laufzettel_Qualifikationsprogramm.docx)
* supplementary materials according to [Doctoral Regulation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/39030000/download/public/promotionsordnungen/Promotionsordnung_Humanwissenschaften-aes1-20181212-netz.pdf)
<td>Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee</td>
## Enroll as an International PhD student (Not Mandatory)
<th>You will get</th>
<td>Check prerequisites</td>
* Same as applying as a PhD candidate
* letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee
Apply at the [International Students Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)
(German students should apply at the student office(studierendenkanzlei@uni-wuerzburg.de))
* Fill out the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf)
* Supplementary materials according to the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf)
* Hand in your application before each semester's [deadlines](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/).
<td>International student office will contact you</td>
# Incoming International Employee
**Important Pre-Arrival Info**
For incoming employees, please refer to [Checklists and formalities before coming to Germany](#checklists-and-formalities-before-coming-to-germany) for details regarding visas.
<td>General Info</td>
<td>Sign the contract (no digital version)</td>
For details, please refer to https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-only/teams/hci-workflow-support-info/-/wikis/Home#resources-for-new-colleagues
* contract
* copy of documents (? **need to find out**)
* health insurance application
<td>Set up new employees with IT access.</td>
please refer to https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/onboarding-new-employees
# Incoming International Guest Researcher
<td>General Info</td>
<td>Information and contacts</td>
* <span dir="">Dr. Angelika Schartl</span>
* <span dir="">T (0931) 281099</span>
* **angelika.schartl@arcor.de**
(Optional) Find accommodation at the [Guest house](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/university/study-and-research/visiting-scholars/guesthouse/)
* check room [price](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/university/study-and-research/visiting-scholars/guesthouse/) and availability
* Ask if rooms are available in advance:
* <span dir="">Phone: +49 931 31-89423 or 31-82032</span>
* <span dir="">Fax: +49 931 31-82000</span>
* **koerperschaft@uni-wuerzburg.de**
* Fill out and send the application form: <span dir="">English (</span>[**Word-Doc, 99 kb**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32060000/2023/Booking_Application_2023.doc)<span dir="">) German (</span>[**Word-Doc, 99 kb**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32060000/2023/Reservierungsantrag_2023.doc)<span dir="">)</span>
* More information for [accommodation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/accommodation/)
<td>Welcome Center (Optional)</td>
* https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/start-page/
* <span dir="">e-mail </span>**welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de**
* <span dir="">phone 0931 31 84356</span>
* **Welcome guide (we send them via email)**: https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/students/hci-international-relations-info/-/wikis/uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf
<td>Apply for a University guest card (optional)</td>
We request at Waltraud Gierscher (waltraud.gierscher@uni-wuerzburg.de)
# Incoming International students/exchange students (ERASMUS)
## For students taking a degree program
<td>General Info</td>
**Bachelor** application for admission
https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/bachelor-teaching-degree-law-state-examination/ (?)
<td>Letter of admission</td>
**Master** application for admission
<td>Letter of admission</td>
<td>Application deadline</td>
* Winter Semester: June 15th _(please double check date _[_here_](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/#c367197)_)_
* Summer Semester: January 15th _(please double check date _[_here_](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/#c367197)_)_
<td>Before arrival</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/
* Apply for a [visa](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/) if not from EU/EEA
* [Health insurance](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/) covering the full duration of the stay
* EU and UK students: <span dir="">Apply for a European Health Insurance Card "EHIC" resp.</span>
* Students from Switzerland or Turkey: a document stating the coverage needs to be presented to the AOK (or other German companies) student service, who will then check if it is valid and sufficient
* Students from other countries: see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/) for more details.
* provide all documents in **ENGLISH**
* Find [accommodation](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/living/)
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/enrolment-semester-fees/
* Enrollment is required every semester, and it is the student's responsibility to enroll themselves.
* <span dir="">The</span> [**online portal for enrolment**](https://wuestudy.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de/qisserver/pages/cs/sys/portal/hisinoneStartPage.faces?chco=y&noDBAction=y&init=y) <span dir="">opens 2 or 3 months before the semester starts</span>. You will receive the login credentials for Wuestudy **by post** after completing the application process above
* Prepare documents mentioned in the **letter of admission**.
* The signed enrollment form [Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf](/uploads/9ad24f453e2dfc550b4e89e41268ac13/Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_f%C3%BCr_Programmstudenten.pdf)
* Students also need to enroll for modules and exams by themselves
<td>After arrival</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/after-arrival/
* [registration at the City Hall (Rathaus)](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/registration-with-the-city-of-wuerzburg/)
* [Get a resident permit](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/resident-permit/)
* [Pick up your student card](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/student-card/)
<td>Fee and payment</td>
* Semester fee: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/studium/studienangelegenheiten/beitraegeundgebuehren/
* <span dir="">Two options for payment transactions</span>: SEPA or Bank transfer. https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/studium/studienangelegenheiten/beitraegeundgebuehren/zahlungswege/#c80541
<span dir="">To cancel your sepa contact </span>**<span dir="">sepa@uni-wuerzburg.de</span>**
<td>Access to IT, library, bank account</td>
<span dir="">Doris Laug</span>: international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de
<span dir="">Ulla Hornung</span>: international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de
## For exchange students
<td>General info</td>
<td>check prerequisites</td>
Same as a regular student,
* <span dir="">have a </span>_Mittlere Reife_<span dir=""> or an equivalent or higher secondary school leaving qualification</span>
* <span dir="">who can demonstrate that strong grounds exist for which they are seeking admission as a guest student</span>
<td>Check accessibility and restrictions for applying for courses</td>
Courses in several programmes cannot be chosen, check the [list](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/application-and-enrollment/bewerbungundzulassunguebersich/) and [Webpage](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/guest-students/)
(Optional) If want to choose course at <span dir="">Language Centre (ZfS)</span>:
* contact Zfs for registration there and a confirmation
* submit this confirmation when applying for admission (next step)
Modules from HCI: https://mcs.phil2.uni-wuerzburg.de/international/incoming/
<td>Application for admission</td>
* fill out the [**Application for Admission as a Guest Student and SEPA Core Direct Debit Mandate**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ref_2.2\_-\_SG_1/Formulare/Anmeldung_Gaststudierender_mit_Lastschrift_EN.pdf)
* If you have enrolled before, use the [**Re-Enrolment / Registration for Additional Courses for Guest Students**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ref_2.2\_-\_SG_1/Formulare/Rueckmeldung-Nachbelegung_Gaststudierender_mit_Lastschrift_EN.pdf)
* Send the application with supplementary materials **by Post** or **in person** (not email). Check the [address and Office hour](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/home/)
* Application [deadline](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/application-deadlines/)
<td>Before arrival</td>
Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/
* [Learning Agreement](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/before-arrival-exchange-students/learning-agreement-engl/)
* [checklist](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/exchange/Vor_der_Abreise/Checklist_for_Exchange_Students_english_Corona.pdf)
* [find a tutor](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/assistance/student-tutors/)
* <span dir="">Apply for a </span>[<span dir="">visa</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/)<span dir=""> if not from EU/EEA</span>
* [<span dir="">Health insurance</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/)<span dir=""> covering the full duration of the stay</span>
* <span dir="">EU and UK students: Apply for a European Health Insurance Card "EHIC" resp.</span>
* <span dir="">Students from Switzerland or Turkey: a document stating the coverage needs to be presented to the AOK (or other German companies) student service, who will then check if it is valid and sufficient</span>
* <span dir="">Students from other countries: see </span>[<span dir="">here</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/insurances/)<span dir=""> for more details.</span>
* <span dir="">provide all documents in **ENGLISH**</span>
* <span dir="">Find </span>[<span dir="">accommodation</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/before-arrival/living/)
[After arrival](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/)
* [<span dir="">registration at the City Hall (Rathaus)</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/registration-with-the-city-of-wuerzburg/)
* [<span dir="">Get a resident permit</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/resident-permit/)
* [<span dir="">Pick up your student card</span>](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/student-card/)
<td>Fee and payment</td>
* Check [tuition fee](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/guest-students/)
* Sign the SEPA (in the previous step)
To cancel your sepa contact **sepa@uni-wuerzburg.de**
<td>Transcript of record (grade transfer)</td>
Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/transcript-of-records-fuer-auslaendische-studierende/
<span dir="">Your academic results during your stay in the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg will be recorded in the Transcript of Records and it will be sent to you and your home University.</span> See [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/after-arrival-exchange-students/transcript-of-records-fuer-auslaendische-studierende/) for more details.
Note: you have to register for the exam yourselves before taking an exam.
<td>Access to IT, library, bank account</td>
# Checklists and formalities before coming to Germany
[**Checklist: Formalities before your arrival**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_before_your_arrival.pdf)
<td>Visa Applications Support (if applicable)</td>
* Info: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
* International **students** and **PhD students**: contact [**International Office**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/kontakt/)for support. Basic information [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/information-for-all-foreign-students/visa/).
* International **PhD students** can also register at the welcome center ([**registration form**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/)**)** to receive support.
* **Guest researchers:** contact the [Welcome Center](mailto:welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de)[ ](welcomecentre@uni-wuerzburg.de)or department(us)
* **Employees** (including professors and research associates)**:** contact the department and register at the welcome center ([**registration form**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/));<span dir=""> </span>[**Visa information for employees**](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/uni_wue_visuminfo_flyer_vers2020.pdf)
* [Further Information on Rights of Residence](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/)
**Important:** <span dir="">if your stay at the University of Würzburg includes a </span>**working contract**<span dir=""> you need to apply for a </span>**work visa**<span dir=""> (</span>**National Visa Category D**<span dir=""> including the </span>**work visa**<span dir="">) at your respective German embassy </span>**BEFORE**<span dir=""> you enter Germany</span>; in the case when you need a **signed contract** (which can only be signed upon arrival) for the work visa, please request a Hosting Agreement to apply [a Visa for the purpose of research](https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/de/visum-aufenthalt/arten/weitere/forschen) under [**<span dir="">§ 18d Residence Act</span>**](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/aufenthg_2004/\__18d.html)**.**
Apply for a [**Hosting Agreement**](https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/Forschung/Forschungseinrichtungen/08muster-aufnahmevereinbarung-deutsch-englisch.html?nn=282388) <span dir="">("Forschungsvereinbarung" or "Aufnahmevereinbarung")</span>: contact the **department** (us)
<td>Upon arrival</td>
For detailed information see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_upon_your_arrival.pdf)
* registering with the Citizens' Office
* opening a bank account
* taking out health insurance
* signing your employment contract
* registering with the Department for Nationality Issues and Foreigner Affairs to get your work permit or extend your residence permit
* decide on the potential use of benefits offered to civil servants (such as the occupational pension scheme or the job ticket for public transport)
<td>Before departure (leaving Germany)</td>
For detailed information see [here](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-\_Formalities_before_your_departure.pdf)
* giving notice of departure at the Citizens' Office
* keeping cancellation periods for your apartment, telephone and internet contracts, job ticket and other subscriptions
* closing your bank account
# Modules for Incoming Exchange Students
The modules listed on this page are offered for international exchange students and can be held in English.
## Modules Offered Every Summer and Every Winter Semester
### ~~Light and Dark Sides of XR (5 ECTS)~~
##### ~~Description~~
~~This seminar focuses on specific areas of application and effects of XR (VR, AR, MR). This is particularly about discussing positive (learning, training, therapy) and negative (gambling, horror, influence) aspects that can occur when using XR. The identified positive and negative factors can ultimately play a central role in the design of positive applications and the classification of negative systems.~~
~~In addition to teaching theoretical basics and discussing practical examples from research, you will also implement your own small research project. By using the Unity game engine, you develop a demonstrator and check its effectiveness. You will present the results of your project as an examination at the end of the seminar.~~
##### ~~Competencies/Qualification~~
~~After the course, participants can name positive and negative applications of VR. Also, participants know about human and technical factors that influence the perception of immersive media. Finally, participants can design VR projects targeting a positive and negative influence of the users.~~
##### ~~Level~~
- ~~Bachelor MCS, Master HCI, Computer Sience~~
##### ~~Required Prerequisites~~
- ~~Some Unity experience would be helpful, otherwise no requirements~~
### HCI Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Sound research requires an in-depth reflection of prior approaches and the related work typically published in the scientific media (conference proceedings, journals, books, etc.). This course is an advanced course about typical scientific research work with a specific focus on topics from the field of human-computer interaction (HCI).
During the course, students will have to work on one specific topic as a preparation for their master thesis. They will have to find relevant publications, read the publications and analyze them given some defined research questions and/or categories of the current state-of-the-art. They have to summarize and present their findings to a larger audience.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the participants will have a solid understanding of an important aspect of typical research work. They will have learned how to read scientific publications, how to extract relevant information, and how to summarize their findings.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
### HCI Master Thesis (30 ECTS)
##### Competencies/Qualification Description
The students have to individually work on an assigned problem in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and document their results using good scientific standards.
##### Competencies/Qualification Competencies/Qualification
Participants will learn how to apply scientific methods from the HCI field. They will learn a structured approach starting from a definition and motivation of research questions and the discussion and summery of related work from scientific publications and prior approaches. Following this they will learn how to develop own concepts and methods to tackle the questions and how to implement them and potentially to evaluate the results.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science (\< 3 semesters)
### HCI Project Interdisciplinary
##### Description
Practical experience is a necessary skill for application-oriented aspects of various sciences. This is specifically true for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) which incorporates engineering as well as empirical work skills. This course assigns a well-defined project or task to (teams of) students which they have to solve largely on their own. The topic will be in the area of Human-Computer Interaction with an individually assigned focus between the engineering, aka computer science, and the empirical or psychological part of HCI.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the participants will have a solid understanding of how to solve a coherent problem using typical HCI-skills. They will have learned how to define and execute individual work packages.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Statistics (\> 4 ECTS)
- Research Methods (\> 4 ECTS)
### HCI Project Exhibition (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Presentation and communication are important skills for application-oriented and practical aspects of various sciences. This is specifically true for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This course requires the participants to present the results of an associated project to a larger audience in a and exhibition-like setup.
##### Competencies/Qualification
The participants will learn how to present their own work to a larger audience, how to plan, design and set-up the different parts of an own exhibition booth, and how to react individually to questions from the audience.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Project (\> 9 ECTS)
### Game Lab (10 ECTS)
##### Description
Computer or video games have become a major aspect of modern culture and a large economical factor in recent years. This course is an introduction into the conceptual and technical approaches necessary to build computer games.
The course will cover topics about the principles of game design, necessary tools for the design and development chain of computer games, the interactive game loop, necessary conceptual and functional aspects of game engines (I/O, graphics, physics, or artificial intelligence), as well as an introduction into modern game architectures.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the necessary aspects to take into account during the design and development of computer games. They will learn about the principle layout and architecture of modern games as well as about tools to solve the various tasks necessary to build computer games. They will be able to implement their own games and to choose the right software tools for this task.
##### Level
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
- Artificial Intelligence (\> 4 ECTS)
## Modules Offered Every Summer Semester
### 3D User Interfaces (5 ECTS)
##### Description
This module will give students the opportunity to learn about the specificities of 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) development using Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality technologies.
The module content will be mainly dedicated to learning and practicing the skills essential to the design and implementation of high-quality 3D interaction techniques. Design guidelines as well as classical and innovative 3D Interaction techniques will be studied.
In addition, the course will address novel research themes such as 3D interaction for large displays and games; and integrating 3DUIs with mobile devices, robotics, and the environment.
Students will be assessed through a group practical project (team work), which will consist of 3D Interaction Techniques (ITs) development for a particular a task
Previous years, the assignment replicated the [IEEE 3DUI Contest 2011](http://conferences.computer.org/3dui/3dui2011/cfp-contest.html), where teams of students competed between each other to find the best solution (see results [video1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYs-pBW7Agc) and [video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYs-pBW7Agc))
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to create your own 3D spatial interfaces. They will have a broad understanding of the particular difficulties of designing and developing spatial interfaces, as well as evaluating then. Students will also learn about traditional and novel 3D input/output devices (e.g. motion tracking system and Head-mounted Display).
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
- Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
### Multimodal Interfaces (5 ECTS)
##### Description
The multimodal interaction paradigm simultaneously uses various modalities like speech, gesture, touch, or gaze, to communicate with computers and machines. Basically, multimodal interaction includes the analysis as well as the synthesis of multimodal utterances. This course concentrates on the analysis, i.e., the input processing. Input processing has the goal to derive meaning from signal to provide a computerized description and understanding of the input and to execute the desired interaction. In multimodal systems, this process is interleaved between various modalities and multiple interdependencies exist between simultaneous utterances necessary to take into account for a successful machine interpretation.
In this course, students will learn about the necessary steps involved in processing unimodal as well as multimodal input. The course will highlight typical stages in multimodal processing. Using speech processing as a primary example, they learn about:
1. A/D conversion
2. Segmentation
3. Syntactical analysis
4. Semantic analysis
5. Pragmatic analysis
6. Discourse analysis
A specific emphasize will be on stages like morphology and semantic analysis. Typical aspects of multimodal interdependencies, i.e., temporal and semantic interrelations are highlighted and consequences for an algorithmic processing are derived. Prominent multimodal integration (aka multimodal fusion) approaches are described, including transducers, state machines, and unification.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will be able to build their own multimodal interfaces. They will have a broad understanding of all the necessary steps involved and will know prominent algorithmic solutions for each of them. Student will learn about available tools for reoccurring tasks and their pros and cons.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Machine Learning (\> 4 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
- 3D User Interfaces (\> 4 ECTS)
### Interactive Computer Graphics (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Computer graphics studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. This course specifically concentrates on interactive graphics with an additional focus on 3D graphics as a requirement for many contemporary as well as for novel human-computer interfaces and computer games.
The course will cover topics about light and images, lighting models, data representations, mathematical formulations of movements, projection as well as texturing methods. Theoretical aspects of the steps involved in ray-tracing and the raster pipeline will be complemented by algorithmic approaches for interactive image syntheses using computer systems. Accompanying software solutions will utilize modern graphics packages and languages like OpenGL, GLSL and/or DirectX.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the underlying theoretical models of computer graphics. They will be able to implement a prominent variety of these models, to build their own interactive graphics applications, and to choose the right software tool for this task.
##### Level
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 3 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Linear Algebra I
### I~~nteractive Artificial Intelligence (5 ECTS)~~
##### ~~Description~~
~~Artificial Intelligence (AI) studies the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, that is, methods which let machines or software exhibit intelligent behavior. This course specifically concentrates on interactive methods applicable to novel human-computer interfaces and computer games.~~
~~The course will cover topics about problem solving in general, search methods, semantic representation, logic and deduction methods, constraint satisfaction methods, as well as algorithmic approaches to apply these methods to interactive systems. The latter includes the identification of necessary software modules and requirements for AI-enabled systems as well as APIs for building so-called world interfaces.~~
##### ~~Competencies/Qualification~~
~~After the course, the students will have a broad understanding of the underlying theoretical models and methods used in interactive Artificial Intelligence. They will be able to implement a prominent variety of these methods, to build their own intelligent interactive applications, and to choose the right software tool for this task.~~
##### ~~Level~~
- ~~Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.~~
##### ~~Required Prerequisites~~
- ~~Programming (\> 10 ECTS)~~
### ~~Multiplayer Online Games - Theory (5 ECTS)~~
> `Important - Module Not Provided Anymore`
##### ~~Description~~
~~This module will give the students the opportunity to learn about the specificities of multiplayer networked games.~~
~~The first part will be mainly dedicated to learning and practicing the skills essential to the development of networked and multithreaded applications, as well as reviewing basic game programming techniques and architectures.~~
~~During the second part, domain specific techniques, including latency-hiding strategies, persistence and synchronization in virtual worlds, group communication models, cheating and security issues and how to evaluate multiplayer games playability will be described.~~
~~Classical and innovative game genres architectures and deployment will be studied. Students will be given the opportunity to experiment and practice with the issues studied through the use of suitable libraries and middleware (e.g. game engine).~~
~~Students will be assessed through a written exam.~~
~~Note: It is strongly recommended to also follow the module: Multiplayer Online Game - Practice (MOG-P) after participating to this course.~~
##### ~~Competencies/Qualification~~
~~After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to analyze the impact on games development of network hardware, protocols, architectures and topologies.~~
~~They will have a broad understanding of the particular difficulties of designing and developing online multiplayer games, as well as evaluating then. Students will also learn about traditional and novel 3D online game architectures and gain practical skills to implement them.~~
##### ~~Level~~
- ~~Master HCI or Computer Science~~
- ~~Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.~~
##### ~~Required Prerequisites~~
- ~~Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (\> 10 ECTS)~~
- ~~Softwaretechnik (\> 10 ECTS)~~
- ~~Programmierpraktikum (\> 10 ECTS)~~
- ~~Software Quality (\> 10 ECTS)~~
##### ~~Recommended Prerequisites~~
- ~~Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)~~
- ~~Computer Graphics (\> 4 ECTS)~~
- ~~Developing Games (\> 6 ECTS)~~
## Modules Offered Every Winter Semester
### Principles of Real-Time Interactive Systems (5 ECTS)
##### Description
This course provides an introduction into the requirements, concepts, and engineering art of highly interactive human-computer systems. Such systems are typically found in perceptual computing, Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality, computer games, and cyber-physical systems. Lately, these systems are often termed Real-Time Interactive Systems (RIS) due to their common aspects.
The course covers theoretical models derived from the requirements of the application area as well as common hands-on and novel solutions necessary to tackle and fulfill these requirements. The first part of the course will concentrate on the conceptual principles characterizing real-time interactive systems. Questions answered are: What are the main requirements? How do we handle multiple modalities? How do we define the timeliness of RIS? Why is it important? What do we have to do to assure timeliness? The second part will introduce a conceptual model of the mission-critical aspects of time, latencies, processes, and events necessary to describe a system’s behavior. The third part introduces the application state, it’s requirements of distribution and coherence, and the consequences these requirements have on decoupling and software quality aspects in general. The last part introduces some potential solutions to data redundancy, distribution, synchronization, and interoperability.
Along the way, typical and prominent state-of-the-art approaches to reoccurring engineering tasks are discussed. This includes pipeline systems, scene graphs, application graphs (aka field routing), event systems, entity and component models, and others. Novel concepts like actor models and ontologies will be covered as alternative solutions. The theoretical and conceptual discussions will be put into a practical context of today’s commercial and research systems, e.g., X3D, instant reality, Unity3d, Unreal Engine 4, and Simulator X.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will have a solid understanding of the boundary conditions defined by both, the physiological and psychological characteristics of the human users as well as by the architectures and technological characteristics of today’s computer systems. Participants will gain a solid understanding about what they can expect from today’s technological solutions. They will be able to choose the appropriate approach and tools to solve a given engineering task in this application area and they will have a well-founded basis enabling them to develop alternative approaches for future real-time interactive systems.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Software engineering, software quality (\> 10 ECTS)
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
- Computer graphics (\> 4 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Perception and physiology (\> 5 ETCS)
### Machine Learning (5 ECTS)
##### Description
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us practical speech recognition, effective web search, self-driving cars, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. It is one of today's prominent paradigms in HCI applicable in all areas where the understanding of user input of high variability, specifically for natural interactions using, e.g., gesture, speech, or eye-gaze, is paramount. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI.
In this course, students will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work. Students not only learn the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Finally, they learn about some of Silicon Valley's best practices in innovation as it pertains to machine learning and AI.
This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data-mining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building gesture-based and multimodal interfaces, text and speech understanding (web search, anti-spam), smart robots (perception, control), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will be able to solve machine learning tasks on their own using assistive technologies, e.g., like Octave. In addition, they will be able to derive main principles and apply these in own programs. Students will be able to choose the appropriate approach and tools to solve a given machine learning task in various application area, specifically in HCI.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Programming (\> 10 ECTS)
##### Recommended Prerequisites
- Statistics (\> 5 ETCS)
- Real-Time Interactive Systems (\> 4 ECTS)
### Software Quality (5 ECTS)
##### Description
How to develop high quality software? How to write good code? This module will give students teach how to recognize and write high quality software code.
The module content will be mainly dedicated to learning skills to meet critical software quality requirements such as reliability, testability, accuracy, security, portability and maintainability as well as efficiency in time and space. Programming guidelines as well as code examples will illustrate concepts, techniques and tools that lead to professional code quality, and ensure high software quality production.
Different programming languages will be used to highlight typical examples and key concepts.
##### Competencies/Qualification
After the course, the students will gain a solid background on the theory and the methods to produce high quality code. They will also have a broad understanding of testing techniques and software requirements specifications.
##### Level
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 2 semesters.
##### Required Prerequisites
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (\> 10 ECTS)
- Softwaretechnik (\> 10 ECTS)
- Programmierpraktikum (\> 10 ECTS)
### ~~Multiplayer Online Games - Practice (5 ECTS)~~
> `Important - Module Not Provided Anymore`
##### ~~Description~~
~~This module will give the students the opportunity to program multiplayer online games through the use of suitable libraries and middleware (e.g. game engine). Students will be assessed through a team project, which will consist of developing and presenting multiplayer online games. This module will run as a _Game Lab_ for multiplayer online games. The first part will be mainly dedicated to learning different game technologies as well as reviewing basic game programming techniques and traditional online game architectures. During the second part, teams will work on their project while being supervised by lecturers and tutors. Each week teams will briefly present their progress and discuss future work, issues as well as potential solutions.~~
~~Note: It is strongly recommended to also follow the module: Multiplayer Online Game - Theory (MOG-T) in parallel or before participating to this practical course.~~
##### ~~Competencies/Qualification~~
~~After the course, the students will have gained practical skills to implement multiplayer online games, using industry standard libraries and game engines.~~
##### ~~Level~~
- ~~Master HCI or Computer Science~~
- ~~Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 4 semesters.~~
##### ~~Recommended Prerequisites~~
- ~~Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen~~
- ~~Softwaretechnik~~
- ~~Programmierpraktikum~~
- ~~Software Quality~~
- ~~Real-Time Interactive Systems~~
- ~~Computer Graphics~~
- ~~Developing Games~~
- ~~Multiplayer Online Game Theory~~
### Network and Concurrent Programming (5ECTS)
##### Description
This module will allow the students to learn and practice the skills essential to developing networked and multithreaded applications.
The module will give a first overview of intra-process and extra-process communication techniques.
This module will give an overview of networking protocols and thread libraries and familiarize the students with multithreaded and distributed programming paradigms, focusing in particular on the real-time interactive systems (RIS) domain (such as video games, virtual reality, or mixed reality applications).
Issues faced when developing a concurrent or distributed application will be tackled, including thread synchronization and network protocol reliability. Classical and innovative design patterns and architectures will also be studied.
Students will be given the opportunity to experiment and practice with the issues studied through the use of suitable programming language, libraries, and middleware during the exercise sessions.
Students will be assessed through a written exam.
##### Indicative Content:
- Inter- and extra- process communications
- Threads models (lightweight processes) in high-level languages such as Java,C# or C++ and inter-threads and external communications and synchronization
- Design and development of a concurrent and networked application using a suitable API Communication Protocols (e.g., Ipv6, UDP, TCP, HTTP, RTP and SSL/TLS)
- Stream and datagram sockets
- Distributed architectures (e.g., clients-server, services-based architectures)
- Abstractions for concurrent and distributed applications:
- design patterns
- communication models,
- distributed objects models
##### Competencies/Qualification
This module aims to:
1. Provide the students with an understanding of computer networks systems.
2. Develop the students' ability to design and develop concurrent and networked applications using a variety of languages and suitable APIs, and through adequate design patterns and communication models.
3. Provide an overview of different concurrent programming models, such as threads and processes, and the different communication models they can support.
4. Describe the classical networking protocols and communication models on private networks and the Internet.
5. Describe the issues faced when developing distributed applications with strong real-time interactive requirements such as digital games, virtual reality or mixed reality applications.
##### Prerequisites
Targeted Level
- Bachelor Games Engineering \>= 3 semesters.
Recommended Level
- Bachelor of Science \>= 3 semesters.
- Master HCI or Computer Science
- Bachelor HCI or Computer Science \> 3 semesters.
##### Recommended previous knowledge
- Algorithm and Data Structure
- Software Developments
- Object-Oriented Programming (e.g., Java)
- Interactive System Programming
##### Literature
Provided during the lecture. |
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