# Where can I find International information?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- [Here - On this Wiki](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/students/hci-international-relations-info/-/wikis/FAQ)
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- [University International Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)- [international@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:international@uni-wuerzburg.de)
# What should incoming students do?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
To enrol a foreign student (e.g. during a research stay), the following documentation is required:
- Health insurance covering the full duration of the stay
- If foreign insurance, a document stating the coverage needs to be presented at the AOK student service, which will then check if it is valid and sufficient
- In the case of European insurance, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is required
- Make sure the student provides all documents in ENGLISH
- The signed enrollment form [Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf](/uploads/9ad24f453e2dfc550b4e89e41268ac13/Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf)
- A receipt for the payment of the study fees
- http://www.studienangelegenheiten.uni-wuerzburg.de/beitraegeundgebuehren/zahlungswege/#c80541
- http://www.studienangelegenheiten.uni-wuerzburg.de/beitraegeundgebuehren/
| Enrollment Deadlines | |
| -- | -- |
| Summer Term | 31.5.|
| Winter Term | 31.11.|
# How do you find and register for courses (with Wuestudy)?
<summary> Answer</summary>
- See videos here: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/wuestudy/help/video-tutorials/students/
# How to give a grade to an International Student?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
1. Fill out this certificate [Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf](uploads/d2f0aa4a0f5f4838cced3e8b8262973e/Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf)
2. Send it to the ([transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de))
3. (optional) give it/send it to the student
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- Grades for international students are not organised via WueStudy, but are reported directly to the International Office.
- "Erasmus incoming students usually register for exams with you and your colleagues **by e-mail.**
- This method of registering for examinations **must be accepted.**
- Unfortunately, the examinations of Erasmus incoming students **cannot (yet) be booked automatically via WueStudy**. Please use the attached certificate template
1. Fill out this certificate [Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf](uploads/d2f0aa4a0f5f4838cced3e8b8262973e/Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf)
2. Send it to the ([transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de))
3. (optional) Give it/send it to the student
# How to go to the USA as a Researcher?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- This is a small guide and help for students or employees that want to go to the United States. For further help, contact [Lucas Plabst](mailto:lucas.plabst@uni-wuerzburg.de) or the international relations team.
### Finances:
- Auslandsbafög: Not possible for mandatory Internships because the minimum duration is not long enough.
- Can be applied for at the International Office, covers some living expenses and probably total travel cost.
- [PROMOS Scholarship - International (uni-wuerzburg.de)](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studieren-im-ausland/promos-scholarship/)
- Be sure to check the specific application deadlines
### Going to the United States:
- Secure Internship at a foreign university. Either find a listing or try just writing to researchers you are interested in
- Receive an invitation letter
- You will need a J1 Visa and a Form DS-2019
- If the duration is under 6 months, you will count as Short term scholar. If longer then it's a Research Scholar.
- Some costs will occur until you get your VISA:
- Shipping for DS 2019 (depends, but about 50$)
- SEVIS Fee (220 $ at the time of writing)
- DS 160 Fee (160 $ ATTOW)
- You need specific health insurance requirements:
- [J-1 Insurance Requirements - Academic Personnel (washington.edu)](https://ap.washington.edu/ahr/visas/admin-resources/j1/eligibility-requirements/j1-insurance-requirements/)
- Recommendation: ADAC Auslandskrankenversicherung, Allianz Auslandskrankenversicherung( but always check alternatives as rates vary)
- NOTE: If you have regular Urlaubs or Reise travel insurance, this does usually not count as most vacation insurances do not cover a stay this long.
[SCHOLAR_PreArrivalGuide_2018.pdf (colostate.edu)](https://international.colostate.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2019/11/SCHOLAR_PreArrivalGuide_2018.pdf)
### Steps for getting a J-1 VISA:
1. Get DS 2019 from sponsoring university
2. Pay the SEVIS I-901 fee
3. Complete and pay the DS-160 form
4. Make an appointment at the embassy in Frankfurt.
5. Pay Visa application fees.
6. Go to your appointment at the embassy
This is the make or break point, but under normal circumstances, everything should be fine. If you have not been in the US as a tourist in the last few years, you will most likely need to appear in person. Under certain circumstances, the interview might be waived and you will only need to drop off all your documents and will get the VISA by mail. If you need to go an interview, best come prepared:
- Bring financial evidence so you can pay for your trip.
- Best already bring plane tickets, including your flight back out of the US.
- Certain evidence that shows you intend on going back to Germany after your program ends. (Stuff like rental contracts, family, continuing your university studies, work contracts etc...). America is really scared of illegal immigrants.
- NOTE: You are not allowed to bring anything literally besides the documents required inside the embassy. So have someone hold your things during the interview outside the embassy. There might be lockers available at some stores around the embassy.
### Things to consider when you get there:
- Driving: If you are in the US for longer than 90 days you need to get a license in most states. In practice police probably wont care but its really cheap so do it. Getting a drivers license varies from state to state. In Colorado at least, German drivers do NOT need to retake any exams, you can just pay a small fee and get the license.
- Paying for things:
- In the US, checks are still really prevalent, while the rest of the world moved on. As checks are mostly not easily available, most payments including fees and rent can be done with a credit card.
- If you do not own a credit card be absolutely sure to get one before going to the US! Your regular EC Card will NOT work.
- Recommendation: N26 for good exchange rates with a Girokonto and Debit Card, Barclays for just a free Credit Card.
- NOTE: A lot of credit cards in Germany are not "true" credit cards but debit cards. While debit cards take money out of your account instantly, credit cards accumulate all expenses and bill your account at the end of each month. Debit cards are usually fine, but some car rental agencies or hotels might not accept them. These companies often put a "hold" on some money as sort of an insurance that you will pay, which is usually not possible with debit cards. In that case, they might take 500 $ out of your account and then refund it later, which might be inconvenient.
- When paying for daily essentials, take note that cash is only rarely used in comparison to Germany. Most people pay with their phone or with their card. So keep cash on you at a minimum and make sure to have a backup card at your home in case your wallet gets stolen.
- Housing: Living in the US is really expensive, at least when it comes to rent. Your best options are trying to secure housing at the University you will be working at. As most bachelor students in the US are required to live in college dorms, most universities have their own apartments they rent out, also Called "On Campus Housing". If you do not get housing from the university, things get a bit more complicated. Most apartments require one year leases. Also, a lot of them require criminal background checks and credit score reports (Schufa Auskunft). Try to avoid third party apartments and try to get on campus housing. The best other alternative are AirBnb rentals, but they might be expensive. Also try and look for Facebook groups where you might be able to find rooms.
- Travel: After your program ends, you have 30 days to leave the US, so you can use the situation to get some nice vacation in.
- Leaving the US and re-entering is possible, but check the specifics depending on which country you intend on travelling to. So in case of any emergency etc in Germany, it is possible to leave the US and re-enter at a later time. Prolonging your DS 2019 is also possible.
# How should incoming PhD Student register?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- **First Read[Application and enrollment for doctoral studies](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Antrag-und-Immatrikulation-zum-Promotionsstudium)**
- To start your PhD study, you need to register as a **PhD candidate** or a **PhD student**.
There are two separate procedures. To Become a **PhD candidate**, you need to:
1. [Be accepted by the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.](#1-applying-as-a-phd-candidate-at-the-deans-office)
Being a PhD candidate is enough for completing your PhD. If you wish to be further enrolled as a **PhD student** and have access to student services (e.g. semester traffic ticket), you need to:
2. [Be enrolled at the international student office.](#2-enrolled-as-a-phd-student)
Please check the [International Student Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/doctorate-phd/) for more information.
## 1. Applying as a PhD candidate at the Dean's office
As an international student, you need to meet the prerequisites:
- A successful, qualifying degree from an officially-recognized university (decision by the doctoral committee)
- Confirmation from a professor (known in Germany as „Doktorvater“ or „Doktormutter“)* who is willing to supervise the research and who will either propose a topic or accept a topic proposed by you
- **Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee**
- Proof of German proficiency when deemed necessary by the respective doctoral PhD regulations
To register at the dean's office, you need to submit your application along with supplementary materials. Please look at [this wiki](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Antrag-und-Immatrikulation-zum-Promotionsstudium#1-zulassung-zur-promotion-am-dekanat) (in German) for details. It is generally advisable to contact the secretariat of the dean's office [Mrs. Susan Schmitt](schmitt@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
## 2. Enrolled as a PhD student
After you have received the acceptance letter from the dean, you can apply for enrollment at the **International Students Office**. Please submit the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf) with all the supplementary materials required in the form. Please contact the [International Students Office](international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de) for when and where to submit.
Please hand in your enrolment documents at the International Students Office as soon as possible before a semester start. Please check here for [official deadlines](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/).
Once you have completed the application, the International Students Office will contact you about following steps.
# What incoming employees should do to register?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
For starting your employment and get a resident/work permit (if you need one), you need to:
1. sign the contract with the HR department.
2. Register at the City Hall with your current address.
3. Apply for a resident/work permit.
4. read [Set up new employee](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/neue-mitarbeitende)
# How to go abroad as an employee
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
This is the things you need to do if you want to go abroad while still working at the HCI department. Note: for short stays abroad this is not needed. This is only if your stay is longer than possible for a "Dienstreise".
You need to qualify for a "Entsendung".
For this you need a letter from your boss that explains that they want to "entsend" you to a different location outside of Würzburg. They need to clarify why and how the university will benefit from it. This is the info needed that I received from the Personalamt: NOTE: Please contact the international relations team (or specifically [Lucas Plabst](mailto:lucas.plabst@uni-wuerzburg.de) ) if you are not a german speaker and need help with the process).
Nötig für einen Auslandsaufenthalt im Rahmen einer Entsendung (Tätigkeit im Ausland im Interesse des Dienstherren mit vollumfänglichen Weisungsrecht) ist ein Antrag der Beschäftigungsstelle mit folgenden Informationen:
- Zeitraum und genaue Bezeichnung und Anschrift der Arbeitsstätte im Ausland
- Anschrift des Wohnsitzes im Ausland
- Bestätigung, dass der Beschäftigte weiterhin dem Direktionsrecht der Universität Würzburg unterliegt
- Welche Aufgaben werden an der dortigen Einrichtung übernommen? Welches dienstliche Interesse steckt dahinter? Welchen
nutzen hat die Universität Würzburg vom Auslandsaufenthalt?
- Werden Kosten der dortigen Einrichtung übernommen?
- Sind die Kosten des Auslandsaufenthalts durch die Dienststelle gedeckt?
- Bestätigung, dass der Beschäftigte keine finanzielle Unterstützung von anderen Stellen bekommt.
- Einverständnis des Beschäftigten, dass der Dienstort verlegt wird und der Beschäftigte dem Auslandsaufenthalt
- Übersenden der Einladung an die dortige Einrichtung bzw. Bestätigung über die Aufnahme der Beschäftigten
- Zudem ist zuvor eine Entsendebescheinigung zu beantragen (Entsendung in die USA, Fragebogen für die Ausstellung der
Bescheinigung über die Anwendung der deutschen Rechtsvorschriften bei Beschäftigung in den USA (Vordruck D/USA 101) und
Prüfung einer Entsendung im Sinne der Ausstrahlung (\* 4 SGB IV)) [Fragebogen_Entsendung_USA_Druck.pdf](uploads/63661b79e7a1ca64e71c078f6ac4cc36/Fragebogen_Entsendung_USA_Druck.pdf)
- Nachweis einer Auslandskrankenversicherung des Beschäftigten für den Zeitraum des Auslandsaufenthalts
When this is all submitted to the Personalamt, they will check it and then forward the information to your Health Insurance company. When they confirm everything, you will get the final OK from the Personalamt.
This also changes your Dienstort for the time, so it can be possible to receive compensation for the flights from the Reisekostenstelle.
For general information on going abroad check out the public information available at:
# How to prepare for an international Business trip?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- business trips to other European countries - carrying a social security certificate ("A1 certificate")
- see more here: [Business Trip](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Business-trips)
# What international Guest Researcher or Ph.D. Students (e.g. visiting us for 6 months or a few weeks) should know and do?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- Register here : https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/
- check what to do before coming: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-_Formalities_before_your_arrival.pdf
- But also check
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/start-page/
- `important `if the guest will not be enrolled as a student. There are University guest cards for guests. Maybe you already have one at your institute and can give it to your student for the time she is here, or you can request a guest card. Importantly, the department has to order the guest card and can give it to its guest scientists. The card is valid for 10 years. Waltraud Gierscher (waltraud.gierscher@uni-wuerzburg.de) is responsible for this.
- `Important`: email them asap the following document : [Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf](uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf)
- `Important`: ask them to look for accommodation as soon as possible - https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/accommodation/
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- check https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/ for more info
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
- more info here: [Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf](uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf)
</details> |
# Where can I find International information?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- [Here - On this Wiki](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/students/hci-international-relations-info/-/wikis/FAQ)
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- [University International Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/home/)- [international@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:international@uni-wuerzburg.de)
# What should I know and do for Eramus Mobility (documents and checklist)?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- German: [InformationsblattUndChecklisteErasmus_VorabInfoFK_SoSe25_WiSe25_final_05022025.pdf](uploads/31cfba9784e557645906f5349071de15/InformationsblattUndChecklisteErasmus_VorabInfoFK_SoSe25_WiSe25_final_05022025.pdf)
- English: [InformationsblattUndChecklisteErasmus_VorabInfoFK_SoSe25_WiSe25_final_05022025__English__British__.pdf](uploads/1dcd992e7c5f75de6474ae85e654d62c/InformationsblattUndChecklisteErasmus_VorabInfoFK_SoSe25_WiSe25_final_05022025__English__British__.pdf)
# What should incoming students do?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
To enrol a foreign student (e.g. during a research stay), the following documentation is required:
- Health insurance covering the full duration of the stay
- If foreign insurance, a document stating the coverage needs to be presented at the AOK student service, which will then check if it is valid and sufficient
- In the case of European insurance, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is required
- Make sure the student provides all documents in ENGLISH
- The signed enrollment form [Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf](/uploads/9ad24f453e2dfc550b4e89e41268ac13/Zulassung_Application_form_for_exchange_students_Bewerbung_für_Programmstudenten.pdf)
- A receipt for the payment of the study fees
- http://www.studienangelegenheiten.uni-wuerzburg.de/beitraegeundgebuehren/zahlungswege/#c80541
- http://www.studienangelegenheiten.uni-wuerzburg.de/beitraegeundgebuehren/
| Enrollment Deadlines | |
| -- | -- |
| Summer Term | 31.5.|
| Winter Term | 31.11.|
# How do you find and register for courses (with Wuestudy)?
<summary> Answer</summary>
- See videos here: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/wuestudy/help/video-tutorials/students/
# How to give a grade to an International Student?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
1. Fill out this certificate [Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf](uploads/d2f0aa4a0f5f4838cced3e8b8262973e/Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf)
2. Send it to the ([transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de))
3. (optional) give it/send it to the student
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- Grades for international students are not organised via WueStudy, but are reported directly to the International Office.
- "Erasmus incoming students usually register for exams with you and your colleagues **by e-mail.**
- This method of registering for examinations **must be accepted.**
- Unfortunately, the examinations of Erasmus incoming students **cannot (yet) be booked automatically via WueStudy**. Please use the attached certificate template
1. Fill out this certificate [Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf](uploads/d2f0aa4a0f5f4838cced3e8b8262973e/Scheinvorlage_NEU_inkl._Participation_only.pdf)
2. Send it to the ([transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de](mailto:transcripts@uni-wuerzburg.de))
3. (optional) Give it/send it to the student
# How to go to the USA as a Researcher?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- This is a small guide and help for students or employees that want to go to the United States. For further help, contact [Lucas Plabst](mailto:lucas.plabst@uni-wuerzburg.de) or the international relations team.
### Finances:
- Auslandsbafög: Not possible for mandatory Internships because the minimum duration is not long enough.
- Can be applied for at the International Office, covers some living expenses and probably total travel cost.
- [PROMOS Scholarship - International (uni-wuerzburg.de)](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studieren-im-ausland/promos-scholarship/)
- Be sure to check the specific application deadlines
### Going to the United States:
- Secure Internship at a foreign university. Either find a listing or try just writing to researchers you are interested in
- Receive an invitation letter
- You will need a J1 Visa and a Form DS-2019
- If the duration is under 6 months, you will count as Short term scholar. If longer then it's a Research Scholar.
- Some costs will occur until you get your VISA:
- Shipping for DS 2019 (depends, but about 50$)
- SEVIS Fee (220 $ at the time of writing)
- DS 160 Fee (160 $ ATTOW)
- You need specific health insurance requirements:
- [J-1 Insurance Requirements - Academic Personnel (washington.edu)](https://ap.washington.edu/ahr/visas/admin-resources/j1/eligibility-requirements/j1-insurance-requirements/)
- Recommendation: ADAC Auslandskrankenversicherung, Allianz Auslandskrankenversicherung( but always check alternatives as rates vary)
- NOTE: If you have regular Urlaubs or Reise travel insurance, this does usually not count as most vacation insurances do not cover a stay this long.
[SCHOLAR_PreArrivalGuide_2018.pdf (colostate.edu)](https://international.colostate.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2019/11/SCHOLAR_PreArrivalGuide_2018.pdf)
### Steps for getting a J-1 VISA:
1. Get DS 2019 from sponsoring university
2. Pay the SEVIS I-901 fee
3. Complete and pay the DS-160 form
4. Make an appointment at the embassy in Frankfurt.
5. Pay Visa application fees.
6. Go to your appointment at the embassy
This is the make or break point, but under normal circumstances, everything should be fine. If you have not been in the US as a tourist in the last few years, you will most likely need to appear in person. Under certain circumstances, the interview might be waived and you will only need to drop off all your documents and will get the VISA by mail. If you need to go an interview, best come prepared:
- Bring financial evidence so you can pay for your trip.
- Best already bring plane tickets, including your flight back out of the US.
- Certain evidence that shows you intend on going back to Germany after your program ends. (Stuff like rental contracts, family, continuing your university studies, work contracts etc...). America is really scared of illegal immigrants.
- NOTE: You are not allowed to bring anything literally besides the documents required inside the embassy. So have someone hold your things during the interview outside the embassy. There might be lockers available at some stores around the embassy.
### Things to consider when you get there:
- Driving: If you are in the US for longer than 90 days you need to get a license in most states. In practice police probably wont care but its really cheap so do it. Getting a drivers license varies from state to state. In Colorado at least, German drivers do NOT need to retake any exams, you can just pay a small fee and get the license.
- Paying for things:
- In the US, checks are still really prevalent, while the rest of the world moved on. As checks are mostly not easily available, most payments including fees and rent can be done with a credit card.
- If you do not own a credit card be absolutely sure to get one before going to the US! Your regular EC Card will NOT work.
- Recommendation: N26 for good exchange rates with a Girokonto and Debit Card, Barclays for just a free Credit Card.
- NOTE: A lot of credit cards in Germany are not "true" credit cards but debit cards. While debit cards take money out of your account instantly, credit cards accumulate all expenses and bill your account at the end of each month. Debit cards are usually fine, but some car rental agencies or hotels might not accept them. These companies often put a "hold" on some money as sort of an insurance that you will pay, which is usually not possible with debit cards. In that case, they might take 500 $ out of your account and then refund it later, which might be inconvenient.
- When paying for daily essentials, take note that cash is only rarely used in comparison to Germany. Most people pay with their phone or with their card. So keep cash on you at a minimum and make sure to have a backup card at your home in case your wallet gets stolen.
- Housing: Living in the US is really expensive, at least when it comes to rent. Your best options are trying to secure housing at the University you will be working at. As most bachelor students in the US are required to live in college dorms, most universities have their own apartments they rent out, also Called "On Campus Housing". If you do not get housing from the university, things get a bit more complicated. Most apartments require one year leases. Also, a lot of them require criminal background checks and credit score reports (Schufa Auskunft). Try to avoid third party apartments and try to get on campus housing. The best other alternative are AirBnb rentals, but they might be expensive. Also try and look for Facebook groups where you might be able to find rooms.
- Travel: After your program ends, you have 30 days to leave the US, so you can use the situation to get some nice vacation in.
- Leaving the US and re-entering is possible, but check the specifics depending on which country you intend on travelling to. So in case of any emergency etc in Germany, it is possible to leave the US and re-enter at a later time. Prolonging your DS 2019 is also possible.
# How should incoming PhD Student register?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see the long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- **First Read[Application and enrollment for doctoral studies](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Antrag-und-Immatrikulation-zum-Promotionsstudium)**
- To start your PhD study, you need to register as a **PhD candidate** or a **PhD student**.
There are two separate procedures. To Become a **PhD candidate**, you need to:
1. [Be accepted by the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.](#1-applying-as-a-phd-candidate-at-the-deans-office)
Being a PhD candidate is enough for completing your PhD. If you wish to be further enrolled as a **PhD student** and have access to student services (e.g. semester traffic ticket), you need to:
2. [Be enrolled at the international student office.](#2-enrolled-as-a-phd-student)
Please check the [International Student Office](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/degree-programmes/application/doctorate-phd/) for more information.
## 1. Applying as a PhD candidate at the Dean's office
As an international student, you need to meet the prerequisites:
- A successful, qualifying degree from an officially-recognized university (decision by the doctoral committee)
- Confirmation from a professor (known in Germany as „Doktorvater“ or „Doktormutter“)* who is willing to supervise the research and who will either propose a topic or accept a topic proposed by you
- **Letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee**
- Proof of German proficiency when deemed necessary by the respective doctoral PhD regulations
To register at the dean's office, you need to submit your application along with supplementary materials. Please look at [this wiki](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Antrag-und-Immatrikulation-zum-Promotionsstudium#1-zulassung-zur-promotion-am-dekanat) (in German) for details. It is generally advisable to contact the secretariat of the dean's office [Mrs. Susan Schmitt](schmitt@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
## 2. Enrolled as a PhD student
After you have received the acceptance letter from the dean, you can apply for enrollment at the **International Students Office**. Please submit the [application form](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Auslandsamt/Studium_in_Wuerzburg/Studium_mit_Abschluss/Bewerbung/Antraege/PH.D.Antrag_auf_Zulassung.pdf) with all the supplementary materials required in the form. Please contact the [International Students Office](international.students@uni-wuerzburg.de) for when and where to submit.
Please hand in your enrolment documents at the International Students Office as soon as possible before a semester start. Please check here for [official deadlines](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/studying-at-jmu/studienangelegenheiten/dates-and-deadlines/).
Once you have completed the application, the International Students Office will contact you about following steps.
# What incoming employees should do to register?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
For starting your employment and get a resident/work permit (if you need one), you need to:
1. sign the contract with the HR department.
2. Register at the City Hall with your current address.
3. Apply for a resident/work permit.
4. read [Set up new employee](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/neue-mitarbeitende)
# How to go abroad as an employee
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long answer
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
This is the things you need to do if you want to go abroad while still working at the HCI department. Note: for short stays abroad this is not needed. This is only if your stay is longer than possible for a "Dienstreise".
You need to qualify for a "Entsendung".
For this you need a letter from your boss that explains that they want to "entsend" you to a different location outside of Würzburg. They need to clarify why and how the university will benefit from it. This is the info needed that I received from the Personalamt: NOTE: Please contact the international relations team (or specifically [Lucas Plabst](mailto:lucas.plabst@uni-wuerzburg.de) ) if you are not a german speaker and need help with the process).
Nötig für einen Auslandsaufenthalt im Rahmen einer Entsendung (Tätigkeit im Ausland im Interesse des Dienstherren mit vollumfänglichen Weisungsrecht) ist ein Antrag der Beschäftigungsstelle mit folgenden Informationen:
- Zeitraum und genaue Bezeichnung und Anschrift der Arbeitsstätte im Ausland
- Anschrift des Wohnsitzes im Ausland
- Bestätigung, dass der Beschäftigte weiterhin dem Direktionsrecht der Universität Würzburg unterliegt
- Welche Aufgaben werden an der dortigen Einrichtung übernommen? Welches dienstliche Interesse steckt dahinter? Welchen
nutzen hat die Universität Würzburg vom Auslandsaufenthalt?
- Werden Kosten der dortigen Einrichtung übernommen?
- Sind die Kosten des Auslandsaufenthalts durch die Dienststelle gedeckt?
- Bestätigung, dass der Beschäftigte keine finanzielle Unterstützung von anderen Stellen bekommt.
- Einverständnis des Beschäftigten, dass der Dienstort verlegt wird und der Beschäftigte dem Auslandsaufenthalt
- Übersenden der Einladung an die dortige Einrichtung bzw. Bestätigung über die Aufnahme der Beschäftigten
- Zudem ist zuvor eine Entsendebescheinigung zu beantragen (Entsendung in die USA, Fragebogen für die Ausstellung der
Bescheinigung über die Anwendung der deutschen Rechtsvorschriften bei Beschäftigung in den USA (Vordruck D/USA 101) und
Prüfung einer Entsendung im Sinne der Ausstrahlung (\* 4 SGB IV)) [Fragebogen_Entsendung_USA_Druck.pdf](uploads/63661b79e7a1ca64e71c078f6ac4cc36/Fragebogen_Entsendung_USA_Druck.pdf)
- Nachweis einer Auslandskrankenversicherung des Beschäftigten für den Zeitraum des Auslandsaufenthalts
When this is all submitted to the Personalamt, they will check it and then forward the information to your Health Insurance company. When they confirm everything, you will get the final OK from the Personalamt.
This also changes your Dienstort for the time, so it can be possible to receive compensation for the flights from the Reisekostenstelle.
For general information on going abroad check out the public information available at:
# How to prepare for an international Business trip?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- see long
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- business trips to other European countries - carrying a social security certificate ("A1 certificate")
- see more here: [Business Trip](https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hci/staff-and-stuwo/orga/-/wikis/Business-trips)
# What international Guest Researcher or Ph.D. Students (e.g. visiting us for 6 months or a few weeks) should know and do?
<summary> Short Answer</summary>
- Register here : https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/registration/registration/
- check what to do before coming: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/ext00264/Allgemeine_Informationen/Checklist-_Formalities_before_your_arrival.pdf
- But also check
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/start-page/
- `important `if the guest will not be enrolled as a student. There are University guest cards for guests. Maybe you already have one at your institute and can give it to your student for the time she is here, or you can request a guest card. Importantly, the department has to order the guest card and can give it to its guest scientists. The card is valid for 10 years. Waltraud Gierscher (waltraud.gierscher@uni-wuerzburg.de) is responsible for this.
- `Important`: email them asap the following document : [Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf](uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf)
- `Important`: ask them to look for accommodation as soon as possible - https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/accommodation/
<summary> Long Answer</summary>
- check https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/ for more info
- https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/welcomecentre/new-at-the-university/visa-and-residence/
- more info here: [Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf](uploads/167e7de2ed5e2780b42206902163564a/Welcome_Guide_2019.pdf)