expired on Dec 31, 2016
Athen 1.0
For the initial release of ATHEN
Must-criteria: *Being able to load bundles on the fly from a web server
- Having a jenkins installed on Nappi that builds every push to master and deploys the respoitory *refactoring of the drawing strategies
- being able to load views on the fly from a web server *speeding up the drawing strategy box creation and fixing the annoying problems on mac
- Having a documentation up and running with tutorial videos
Athen-core should contain the following UI:
- Project explorer
- Selection Analyzer
- Annotation Browser
- Gold standard Analyzer
- Dependency and Constituency Analyzer
- Lucene View
- Document Conversion Utility
- Preprocessing Utility via Nappi and an according view
- A nicer Feature Changing dialog
Nice to Have criteria
- being able to load a perspective on the fly *general IE *rule based IE running and not integrated in the core
- having tests using swt bot