package readerwriter
import readerwriter.internal.Writer, Writer._
import util._
/* everything required to use tell and the monad operations
* is already imported */
def collatzDepth(n: Int): Writer[List[String], Int] = ???
def collatzSearch(start: Int, limit: Int): Writer[List[String], Int] = ???
def collatzDepth(n: Int): (List[String], Int) =
(List("got 1, doing nothing"), 0)
val (way, depth) = collatzDepth(n / 2)
(s"got $n, halving" :: way, depth + 1)
val (way, depth) = collatzDepth(n * 3 + 1)
(s"got $n, tripling plus one" :: way, depth + 1)
def collatzSearch(start: Int, limit: Int): (List[String], Int) =
val (way, depth) = collatzDepth(start)
val (way2, number) = collatzSearch(start + 1, limit)
(s"testing $start" :: way ++ (s"depth was $depth" :: way2), number)
(s"testing $start" :: way ++ List(s"depth was $depth", s"returning $start"), start)