Provides API used by VIA-VR Editor to talk to all VIA-VR packages.
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This package provides a coherent interface for all VIA-VR Unity packages to use. You can create your package as you normally would without worrying about VIA-VR compatibility. You package may provide runtime and/or editor functionality. Normally, you would ask the user to add prefabs or components to the scene hierarchy and use the inspector to configure the objects. In the VIA-VR project, the user will not interact with the Unity editor. Therefore, you must provide an additional scripting interface. You can do so by creating a class that inherits from `PackageConfigurator`. You can then override the methods you need to configure the package. These event methods work similar to the MonoBehaviour event methods like `Start`, `Update`, `OnTriggerEnter`, etc.
## Execution Order
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See [PackageConfigurator.cs]( to learn when these event methods are called.
## Examples
- You can install an example from the Unity Package Manager