Write-Host"For VIA-VR to work you need a Unity account and a valid license. I'll now start the Unity Hub."-ForegroundColorYellow
Write-Host"Please sign in or create an account."-ForegroundColorYellow
Write-Host"Please sign in or create an account. You do not have to install Unity."-ForegroundColorYellow
Write-Host"Once logged in, go to preferences -> licenses and make sure you have a valid license (e.g. a free personal license)."-ForegroundColorYellow
Write-Host"Should anything go wrong please continue with the installation. You can manually start the Unity Hub, login, and get a license later."
Write-Host"Should anything go wrong please quit Unity Hub (also righ-click it in the system tray and selct 'quit Unity Hub'). You can then manually try again to start the Unity Hub, login, and get a license."
$null=$Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer()# prevents previous repeated enter presses to skip pause
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Write-Host "Please press enter and continue once you have a valid Unity license.
$null=$Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer()# prevents previous repeated enter presses to skip pause
Write-Host"Starting and stopping Unity once. You don't have to do anything."-ForegroundColorYellow
Write-Host"Starting and stopping Unity once. You don't have to do anything. You should not get any license error. If you do please check your license as mentioned above."-ForegroundColorYellow