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Sooraj K Babu / scikit-XCS
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterscikit learn compatible implementation of XCS, the most popular and best studied learning classifier system algorithm to date.
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Norbert Fischer / binarizer-doxa
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
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Descartes Research / pmx-pcm
Eclipse Public License 1.0This project allows to automatically create the Palladio Component Model (PCM) models from Kieker monitoring traces.
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Dachdecker is the server application for Decker. It provides survey assistance
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SIBQE (Solr Index Based Query Engine) is a query engine that can serve as a transaprent backend for an existing i2b2 or as a standalone data warehouse.
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Descartes Query Language (DQL) adapter for deriving performance metrics from Kieker monitoring traces.
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